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Hi i dont kno were to post my questions?im 21 year old female and i had a bowel movement two days ago and i notice bright red blood on top of my stool like you could just wipe it off from it ... also in the tp which made me feel really scared.... so maybe an hour later i stared to feel like i had to take a bowel movement but i cant... so today 7/3/11 i took a bowel movement and i notice i took a hard stool that had clear mucus and few mins i felt like i had to take another one ... but i also notice that had a small cut around my butt but i dont think that can cause so much blood.. plz someone help on wut to do... i dont want to go the doc kuz i been going for different health concerns and they just tell me im fine and maybe just anxiety...
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It turn out to be a hemorrhoid!!
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Although I don't feel it's anything serious, I would make an appt. with a Gastroenterologist.  This is their specialty, and they will get right to the cause...no guessing...no waiting. You don't need to be worrying about this, a GP isn't of much help.
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I just went to the doc.. he told me he didnt see any tears or hemorrhoids also had some blood test and everything came out fine.. he said it was maybe a hemorrhoid that he just couldnt see.. he also said if everything didnt clear up in a few days to go back for more test... should i just wait and see??
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At your age it is most likely hemorrhoids or a small anal tear, but still requires a diagnosis by a Gastroenterologist.  If you have trouble with constipation or hard stools....this leads to both of the above.  Get checked out for your peace of mind.
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Rectal bleeding is never normal and you should always seek medical advice.  For possible causes google rectal bleeding and click on to the Med
icinenet site

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