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what is it... blood when i use the bathroom

Im only 18, for the past 2 maybe 3... when i go to the bathroom i bleed i think it could because i streach and tear the outter part but... excuse me for sayinthing i hadthe runs and  abit hard i wiped myself and there was blood....  please give me answers i posted this under colon cancer because i think its what  i could have i hope notplease help me.
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If your bowel movements are hard they can tear the anus and cause bleeding.  Hemorrhoids can also cause bleeding.  Youth is on your side, and I truly doubt it's anything serious, but see your doctor to put your mind at ease.  I would see a gastroenterologist because this is their specialty.  Keep some vaseline on your  bottom to stop the irritation. Even a bacterial infection can cause bleeding, there are many benign causes, but see a GI doc to be ont he safe side.  Take care.
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277836 tn?1359666174
You could have Internal Hemrroids... I would ck in with my Dr to be sure if that is what you have then he will give you a dipository to get them to shrink down.... Or you could be wiping to hard after a bowel movement causing anal rupture... I would not continue to let it ride be safe and get a ck up....
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