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Worth a HIV test?

I received two blow jobs from two different men who say they where clean but who knows the last was on April 5th, I have noticed no key symptoms like sores or rashes besides being a little sore and tense and today I noticed little red bumps on my forearm  what I want to know would it be worth a test for HIV from this exposure , I know insertive oral is considered no risk but should I still get a test such as an oraquick now these are the only two people I had contact with besides my regular partner and I am scared to death I passed something on to them.  
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You never had an exposure and don't need to test for HIV.
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Thank you very much, I frequently visit other websites and they scared me with the wording they used to describe such risk, but further research brought me to several post of yours on this site and others and I just want to thank you for the education about this you have enlightened me with I will now put my anxiety to rest and move on but with a much better understanding of hiv thanks to you
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats?
Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging?
Frequency of HIV testing depends on your risk.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may help prevent HIV infection.