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I am a 24 year old male who considers myself to be fairly athletic and healthy. Sadly, I started having a (left)lower back ache(close to my tail bone, approximately where my vertebrae is connected to my pelvis) back in March of this year.  From analyzing my own daily physical routines, I strongly feel that the cause is my bad posture from driving my stick shift car where I had to stretch my left leg far out to reach the clutch. Not to mention, the countless hours sitting down studying as a student. At first, I didn
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A related discussion, Pin & Needles, Extremely ITCHY !!  after shower also was started.
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I also have these same symptoms occasionally, luckily not all the time. I have noticed that after laying out in the sun trying to get a tan causes these symptoms to appear for about a week or so. During this week anything I might do that could provoke a sweat causes waves of pins and needles on the skin of my back. I first thought this was an indication of skin cancer and then maybe some neurological problem. Now, I just don't know. I am glad I found this thread- I have been searching on the internet for a long time trying to figure out what this is. I find it interesting that suntan lotion eases the symptoms of a couple of people on this thread- that and after sun exposure for me causes it- leads me to believe this is sun related. Someone please figure this out!! Thanks.
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I also have had the same tingling sensation for the last several months.  Others have accurately described it (much to my reassurance, as I just thought I was crazy until I found other souls with the same affliction), but the best that I can relate the sensation is provoked by activation of the sweat glands (activity, temperature, or nervousness).  I initially thought that this was medication related, so I discontinued my Niaspan (for high cholesteral) which seems to have lessened the occurance but it has not resolved completely (over two weeks since I stopped the niacin).  In a previous posting you mentioned HIV as a possible cause.  I am a healthcare worker newly infected with HIV (infected in September, diagnosed in December).  The onset of the symptoms was during that period.  How could these be related?  DM is unlikely as I have had many recent blood tests (as you can imagine).  Should I consult with dermatology or neurology?  My HIV specicialist is not aware of any such symptomatic relation between this complaint and my HIV status. Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks for your advice!
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Hello. The pins and needles sensation started about 3 weeks ago. So far I've been to an Internist who thought it was anxiety brought about my mother's illness in conjuction with 3 herniated disks in my spine. He gave me Xanax which did help for 3 days and then it came back even worse. He sent me to see a neurologist who gave me a very thorough exam and gave me the same diagnosis but he is sending me to another neurologist who will perform an EMG. This appointment is in 2 weeks, but I will move it up since it is driving me crazy that it keeps me and my wife up at night. A hot shower or bath does alleviate the sensation as does a therapeutic massage. I am an Internet junkie and have been going insane trying to find my problem but it seems like it will be a long road ahead.
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Yeah, this article hits home real closely. I'm in the National Guard, and after a few years of alot of heavy gear carrying, I started to have those shocks or "tingling sensations" that run up my back to my head, feels like pins and needles. I just went to the doctor for blood tests but after the fact that I read this. Sounds like I have some nerve issues. The fact that the small of my back is constantly hurting and sore I'm sure has something to do with it. And it intensifed after 9 chiropractic visits. Weird. And is the consensus that alcohol isn't a factor? When at times strong heat/humidity, stressful moments hit me, thats when the sensations kick in. Somedays there's a bunch and annoying but not that bad, and some days there are only a few and they just plain suck. Any input?
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Hi all,

Well this problem with the pins and needle sensation all over my body started about a month ago.  At first I thought that I just got some fiber glass in my skin, because I had did a lot of rewiring in my attic.  I soon realized,that was not it.  When I've got fiber glass in my skin before it was not like this.  We all seem to have a lot of the same systems.  I usually get the sensation when I'm working and the activity  cause me warm up.  Sometimes if I get too warm in bed when the heat comes up I get it.  I also have sinus problems and seasonal allergies and I take Zrytec D.  But I have not taken Zrytec for at least two months.  One other thing I did hurt my back about two springs ago.  I was carrying a ladder up a very high pitched stair case and I loss control over the ladder temporarily.  The ladder caused my back to bend over 45 degrees towards my backside.  Everything seemed to be okay with my back, but over the months I noticed a very mild sensation where my back bent over.  The best I can describe it, it felt like some one taking one or two fingers and just putting very lite pressure on my back, no discomfort.  About a year later maybe once every three month I would get a pinch sensation in my back usually if I'm very active pulling or lifting.  But it usually goes away with in five minutes. Simular to what the one guy said about sun tan lotion, regular lotion seem to help it go away.  
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I find this discussion very interesting because I was at the doctors with my son and I happened to mention that I had a pins and needles sensation in my back and continuing in a circular manner around to under my breast. He thought it was the beginnings of shingles and put me on an antiviral and waited for a rash to develop. It has been over two weeks and no rash.   My burning sensations were getting worse, stomach upset, more pain in my sternum. On second visit he ordered a chest xray and a sed rate which were both normal.  He now thinks that I have costochondritis and he doesnt know where the back sensations are coming from.  He gave me vicadin (which I dont take) and said to come back in two weeks. I have tried to get an appointment with a nerologist, and I am finding out I will have to wait over a month to see someone.  
     My burning sensation is not relieved by the antiinflamatory drugs and is not worse after showers or with exercise. I stopped any antiinflamatory drug to see if the stomach aches would get better, but no. The burning seems to be spreading all over my back and my entire chest region feels sore. I do get flushed in the face more than usual. Can antivirals cause any of these sensations? Appreciate any suggestions.
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To the guy who isn't sweating anymore... that's a serious concern!  It is a sign of autonomic neuropathy and it should be checked out by a neuorolgosit--preferrably a specialist in autonomic disease!


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Hi jlcartoon
I have similar problem to you too. I get the pricks when my adrenaline / anxiety goes up and when the sun is "piercing". Sometimes at night when I dream, I do get pricks on my back. When I put my back against the wall to cool it down, the ***** goes away.

Dont give up your sporting activities as yet, try this, 1/2 hour before you play any games, put some sun tan lotion all over the back and the bumb as well. I find sun tan lotion helps to reduce the pricks.

Good luck....
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This is to everyone on this forum. I started feeling the same symptoms throughout my backc a few weeks ago. It has progressed now to a point it goes in my chest area and up my neck. It is always when I get warm. I work out and thats when it gets the worst. I freaked out when I started look things up about it and saw everything that could be causing this. Some of it, such as MS, aren't something I really want to develope at the age of 18. I plan on going to a doctor but from what I've seen they really don't know what causes it.

A few questions I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out with:
-When you execise, how long does it take for the feeling to subside?
-Are there any other back pains accompanying the prickling?
-Have any doctors found a reason for the feeling?

Thanks everyone.
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I recently began having many of the same problems described in this thread.  It all started after I had a sinus infection this past summer.  I was given a Z-Pack and Zyrtec-D, which got rid of the sinus infection.  However, my feet began to itch shortly thereafter.  I visited several doctors, who all prescribed different antihistamines (Allegra, Hydroxizine, and Zyrtec) to treat the itching.  

After a while, the itching spread, and I eventually stopped sweating -- instead, I felt the "prickly" sensation whenever I would normally have broken into a slight sweat.  Three weeks ago, I became convinced that I was actually allergic to Zyrtec and quite possibly the other antihistamines.  I stopped taking everything.  I am now starting to feel a lot better, although the "attacks" of the prickly sensation return every once in a while.  It's only been three weeks, so I'm hoping that things will just keep getting better.  

I started doing some research and discovered that in October 2005, a medical journal published an article called "Adverse Cutaneous Reactions of Systemic Antihistamines" (Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents, Volume 4, Number 5, October 2005, pp. 521-529(9).

I would love to read this article.  It seems the medical community is just beginning to realize that their prized antihistamines may be causing much of the trouble they are supposed to be curing.  

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I have a similar problem, with waves of pins and pricks in my lower legs and arms. Sometimes the waves also hit my back, chest and shoulders. I have had this problem for years, but it has been getting progressively worse. This summer, due to the humidity and heat it was extremely burdemsome. My problem typically impacts me:

1) when I move from a climate controlled environment to a humid / hot environment - it appears to be moisture or temperature rooted

2) when i come out of the shower - my batting average is 100% (with the one exception noted below). during my shower i am absolutely fine, but as soon as i get out for a period of somewhere between 20 - 60 minutes I am beyond myself with pins and needles.

I have seen dermatologysts, doctors, etc.. with no luck. I have tried:(i)antiantihistamines; (ii) tylenol, (iii) water alergy and other topical allergy creams, etc.. and nothing seems to work. I have also been tested for what i think are the obvious concerns of diabetes and thyroid problems. I have also been tested by an allergist on almost everything on earth - and am generally very non-allegic. I am generally healthy but approx. 30lbs overweight and 40 yr old male. I cannot recall how long i have had this problem (many years), but it has come in waves, and generally worse in the summer when the heat and humidity are at their highest. This past year has been by far the absolute worse, I believe because I have spent more time in a hot and humid climate this summer, but not sure. I also agree that if I have a night of drinking, its almost certainly worse the next morning. I typically feel very stressed out and depressed (emotionally) following a night of drinking. General day to day stress also impacts it more. I wondered for a time whether it was stress or the associated impact of more coffee and less sleep that resulted in the worsening conditions? While I don't have a clear answer, I can tell you I stopped my caffein intake for approximately 2 weeks with no real relief.

I find working out actually helps me. During the first few minutes of a run, I start to feel the priking, but by the time I am into a 20 minute run, it goes away. I can then take a shower without any symptoms (this is the only time I can take a shower without symptoms immediately following).

My next plan of attack is to see if I work out and lose a lot of weight if that would help, although based on your condition, I am not holding out much hope.  

The only link I can think of to your particular condition is a severe car accident I suffered from approximately 20 years ago, where I cracked multiple vertebrae and my pelvis (in 3 locations). I also do have a generally weak back and occasional pain from sitting at a desk.  For the life of me I cannot recall when my problems began, but wonder if by chance a latent vertebrae or spinal cord complication (in combination with more recent weight gain) could be at the root of the problem?  The only other problem which I can link to this is with my stomach. I also have a generally weak stomach and suffered for a hereditary disease (Celiac) which makes an indiviual intolerant to glutens. While the gluten intollerance hasn't impacted me in years, I still often get an upset stomach with many foods, including fish. I often find that my pins/pricks are associated with a period of upset stomach - but this again could be all tied in with stress, as i also typically have a bad stomach following an evening when I've had moderate alcohol intake?

I do not recall ever being exposed to any real toxic chemicals, although recently noted a number of law suites against a drug manufacturer for the neuroligical impact of the "Accutane" drug for acne. Any chance you have used Accutane?

Look forward to hearing more from you and other.

Best of luck!
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Hi miles.
Sorry for the late response. I got caught up with work, so I forgot to check the forum for awhile.
I am glad that we found each other. The symptoms you described is very similar to mine.
Like you have mentioned, this isn
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Get a different neorologist.
Hope everything is going okay.
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I thank you for your concern and feedbacks, jesarose and Markbos.
For the update:
I took a day off and went to go visit a neurologist this past Friday.  He has told me something very close to what Markbos has mentioned. He interviewed me for about 15 mins and ran few physical check ups for another 15mins and told me that he doesn
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Chronic back pain can be due to a variety of reasons from mechanical to soft tissue/bursae swelling or pain to ligament or joint pain to nerve pain. A good place to start are plain xrays of the lumbosacral spine - this can identify early arthritis or ankylosis (ankylosing spondyltitis should be looked for on the xrays as you are in teh right age group, but it is a rare disorder) or fractures.

If these are normal, an MRI of this area will look at both the spinal cord and for pinched nerves or at soft tissue and joints. Treatment depends on the cause, but a trial of anti-inflammatories and physcial therapy is generally useful.

Pins and needles from the pelvis up is an unusual neurological presentation, pinched nerves in the back usually cause sensory symptoms that go down the leg. Things for your doctors to consider might be diabetes, Lyme, myelopathy, HIV, review of your medications etc - a general neurologist would be the best first stop

Good luck
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I don't think the back pain and whole body (especially upper body) pins and needles are related.  You don't have AIDP or CIDP since motor weakness would have progressed earlier than 4 months time after the time when your sensory symptoms started.  Alcohol (over a long period of time) can cause a polyneuropathy which manifests as numbness/tingling that usually starts in the feet/lower leg and progresses to the hands, but not to the entire body.  Lead poisoning usually manifests with a wrist drop/motor weakness which doesn't sound like what you have.  It wouldn't hurt to see a medical neurologist regarding the tingling, but based on your symptoms, it doesn't sound like anything serious to me.  A good chiropractor may be able to help with the back pain.  Good luck.
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I'm not a doctor but from experience regarding my husband's doctor, I would definitely see a neurologist.  He started with numbness and tingling in his hands and feet which turned out to be CIDP which affects the nerves.  Don't wait to long because it's your right to find out what's going on with your body.

Good Luck!
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i apologize for the long entry...
I have noticed over the months that I experience the pins and needles sensation mostly when there is a warm temperature change in my body. For instance, when I walk out from a Air condition office to outside summer weather
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