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Patm is a magicwitchcraft!

For centuries people used magic so that they can get what they want. There are some that used it positively or negatively. Positively for example to make someone fall in love with someone that don't love them or get a good health. Negatively for example causing separation between a man and his wife, giving someone bad health, losing wealth, getting bad grades, making someone crazy and up to even killing someone with magic witchcraft.
Magic witchcraft has many symptoms and it's very easy to know for an expert. Every religion or to say the top religions has some ways of healing magic. Christianity has its way, Islam has its way, Judaism and Buddhism as well. Spells are casted by a witch or wizard to hurt someone but most of them harm themselves because they sell their soul to the devil or they make sacrifice to them.
I'm no expert but I discovered that Patm is a sort of spell, it could be by eaten magic or air magic spell. I have read many posts about Patm and most of them have the same symptoms but what people didn't write about is how they feel when they are at the comfort of their house. I'm very sure that every person that has Patm was not born with it but suddenly at one time of his/her life became a sufferer. When the spell is casted by maybe someone buying it from a witch then it gets you and you become sick and maybe it takes time depending on how they want to harm you.
I'm actually Muslim and I'm a sufferer of Patm. The way Muslims deal with magic witchcraft (Sihr) is by listening to special verses from Quran (Ruqya), being patient, depending on Allah and even going to a Raqi (Muslim healer). I didn't meet a Raqi yet but I’m going to. There are about 2 billion Muslims around the world and we all believe that the Quran is the words of Allah (God) and that there is devil which we can’t see.
I know if you are Atheist or not very religious this is too much to take in but expand your mind and dive in with us so that you also might understand. Allah tells us in this verse how magic begun “And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.”
In this verse we learn that magic is real and that it exists. There are many other verses in the Quran conforming that Sihr has many different types. I have listened to Ruqya and my heart was bombing, I could hear my heart bombing blood and I was breathing like I run a mile and that is a symptom of Sihr when you listen to Ruqya. Guys you are focusing on the Patm symptoms on other people focus on your selfs and write about it. Write about if you have pimples on your skin, your face changed, hearing voices calling your name, headaches, back pains, hating yourself, getting bad on something you were really good at, liking to do things that you didn’t like before because these things are the symptoms of your Sihr.  
Hopefully soon I will meet with a healer and I will inform you guys how it gets. If you want to try listening to Ruqya then write Ruqya against Sihr on YouTube and choose one of the top and please while listening use headphones and sit in a good position like the way you supposed to sit when you are using a computer. Get close attention to what happens to your body during Ruqya if you get gases in the stomach or get very scary or even feel like your balance is off, all of that is very important to determine if a spell is upon you. Remember “do not lose hope, nor be sad”.
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Faaris did you meet with ruqyah ?  Also i wana to meet it if  i get
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I agree about this being beyond our understanding and can see how you would equate it with religion.  I myself consider this a "curse" amongst us.
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Absolutely it's a NO. Religions have nothing to do, there is no "devil" or "angel", then, entering the proven reality that can be said? Well, science shows that our mind does not differentiate those that "evil or good" for our thought, in any case we attribute the "evil" to a certain act, then, it is not understandable for me to speak of "witchcraft" and religions with angels and demons.

Clarifying this; Religion calls it Spirit and Science calls it Energy.

On the other hand; If I understand energy, why? Because it is scientifically proven, the latter that; Each sensation of our body generates a certain chemical substance like our pheromones or some chemical component that we generate when being happy or sad, then, that is where our molecules generate a certain type of Energy which have an unknown speed even (although there are books about it).
That's where I say that our PATM disease could be driven by our subconscious releasing some chemical or energy of "self-protection", surely something psychologically suffered in a past, that's where I say that; the way PATM disappears from us is to form a new thought or interpretation to our subconscious, the subconscious does not change overnight, but it can take up to a year, everything depends on how constant we are with our practice or commitment to lose PATM. Food helps, eating well helps, positive thinking helps, ending anxiety and stress helps, helps everything that makes us feel good and face the "fears" or obstacles that do not feel bad, try to interpret otherwise certain points of view for our subconscious to change and stop releasing PATM.

That's my explanation about PATM, why? Because nobody explains the speed, the composition, the constant in the climate that does not discriminate the state (cold, heat, wind, etc.), also the ability to pass through window or door panes, the ability to travel against the airstream , etc.
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Absolutamente es un NO. Las religiones  no tienen nada que ver, NO existe el “diablo” o el “ángel”, entonces, entrando a la realidad probada que se puede decir?  Bueno, la ciencia muestra que nuestra mente no diferencia  los que en “mal o bien” para nuestro pensamiento, en todo caso nosotros atribuimos el “mal” hacia un determinado acto, entonces, no es comprensible para mi hablar de “brujerías” y religiones con ángeles y demonios.

Aclarando esto; La religión lo denomina Espíritu y la Ciencia lo denomina Energía.

Por otra parte; Si entiendo por la energía, por que? Por que científicamente esta probado, estos últimos que;  Cada sensación de nuestro cuerpo genera un determinado sustancia química al igual que nuestras feromonas o algún componente químico que generamos al estar alegre o triste, entonces, es ahí donde nuestras moléculas generan un determinado tipo de Energía el cual tienen una velocidad desconocida aun (aun que existen libros sobre ello).
Es ahí donde yo digo que nuestra enfermedad PATM  podría estar impulsado por nuestro subconsciente liberando algún químico  o energía de “autoprotección”, seguramente algo psicologicamente sufrimos en un pasado, es ahi donde digo que; la forma de desaparecer PATM de nosotros es formando un nuevo pensamiento o interpretación a nuestro subconsciente, el subconsciente no cambia de la noche a la mañana, si no que este puede tardar hasta un año, todo depende de lo constante que seamos con nuestras practica o compromiso de perder PATM. Los alimentos ayudan, el comer bien ayuda, el pensamiento positivo ayuda, terminar con la ansiedad y estrés ayuda, ayuda todo lo que nos haga sentir bien y enfrentar los “miedos” u obstáculos que no hace sentir mal, tratar de interpretar de otra forma ciertos puntos de vista para que nuestro subconsciente cambie y deje de liberar PATM.

Eso es mi explicación  sobre el PATM, por que? Por que nadie explica la velocidad, la composición,  lo constante en el clima que no discrimina el estado (frio, calor, viento, etcs), también la capacidad de traspasar cristales de ventana o puerta, la capacidad de viajar contra la corriente del aire, etcs.
Let's call it energy then. That energy is with us till we close the doors that were opened. You see magicians everywhere nowadays, television, streets etc. The true magicians that don't use tricks will never tell you how they do their work. Why? because they get the help of that energy. Only they know how to use it and how to get it so believe me all magicians are not entertainers. There are many who work behind doors. There are even some websites that you can contact with them to buy the help of that energy whch I newly discovered . I hope this explains a bit more.
Please be noticed, do not think that I'm in anyway associated with a magician or anyone that you should pay money to. I'm just a PATMer like you. The world of magicians can be dangerous. Do not by anymeans go to a witch or wizard because they can make everything worse. I'm trying to find a muslim healer that is reliable. There are many magicians that call themselves healers so be careful.
As I told you, it's kind of ridiculous to think of "Wizard-wizards", when you talk about religions your writing crumbles, worse to quote a magician in your writing.

At least try to support your writings with probable arguments, that's where a "magician" does not exist, how do you know that there is a magician? Someone told you? He showed you his powers?
Also why a Muslim warlock if religion is only a human invention?

Let's be serious and try to support a Hypothesis.

I believe the Energy Hypothesis - radioactive wave or some gas emanating from our body, but since the Gas is unable to travel against the wind in few amounts and without pressure, just as the gas can not escape or pass through windows that this is pressure-propelled, then, I came to the head after reading several articles the hypothesis of radiation wave or energy. On the other hand, there are gases like radiation that travel at high speeds and even self-propelled, but for that gas to exist in our body would have to explode because the gases themselves are stored especially in sealed tanks of metal alloys, if our body emanate a gas so strong our body would explode and such thing does not happen, then I repeat; How do you pass through crystals? How do you travel against the wind? How does it reach speeds of milliseconds? It is with these questions and many others that I came to the conclusion that PATM is something more than gas, the closest would be radiation, FR waves and energy (positive or negative or other energy) in one way or another.

Here many people took Vitamins and other pharmaceuticals and natural products (antifungal, antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, etc.). No one said that they got rid of the PATM, some of them did not do it, so I tried all kinds of diet, too. I still take vitamins and probiotics, PATM is still present.

I understand that PATM sometimes does not lead to despair, but it is best to calm anxiety and take control, accept what we have and seek the solution as relaxed as not to commit "madness".

In ancient times, any natural "phenomenon" was considered a divine work (gods) if this phenomenon was good, otherwise if the phenomenon was bad then it was called that it was evil (devil), now, the PATM is unknown to the doctors and does not send the psychologist and psychiatrist, but not for that we are going to say that it is the work of some witchcraft or similar.

On the other hand; here they are saying or they are almost certain that PATM is a mold-fungus that got into our blood or in some ligature of our respiratory system, but to personally I went to discuss and ask doctors over and over how they manifest in our body the presence of mold-mushrooms, what I answered are; Dull skin, swollen skin, cancer, broken lungs, damaged kidney, internal bleeding, hair loss, etc., all these symptoms appear in less than a year, in 3 years we would already be in the hospital intoxicated dying as the mushrooms multiply quick, then, I say; I have PATM for almost 3 years and I am still alive and I would swear that I do not have any skin infections, blood tests and other studies are normal, the studies I did 10 times some in the same hospital and in different places, it is that is why I come to the conclusion that Moho or Fungus can not be, in addition there are people living in houses full of fungi, undernourished vagrants in the midst of molds and fungi living and have no PATM, maybe it is our case a special mold-fungus infection, but still I keep asking myself; How do you travel so fast? How does climate spores not discriminate? How does it have the ability to pass through glass windows? (there are more questions) I do not know, there is no explanation.
Como te dije, es medio ridículo pensar en “magos-brujos”, cuando hablas de religiones se desmorona tu escrito, peor aun citar un mago en tu escrito.

Al menos trata de sustentar tus escritos con argumentos probables, es ahí donde un “mago” no existe, como sabes que existe mago? Alguien te dijo? Te mostró sus poderes?
Ademas por que un brujo musulmán si la religión solo es un invento humano?

Seamos serios y tratemos de sustentar una Hipótesis.

Yo cree la Hipótesis de la Energía- onda radioactiva o algún gas que emana nuestro cuerpo, pero dado que el Gas es incapaz de viajar contra el viento en pocas cantidades y sin presión, así como también el gas no puede escapar o traspasar ventanas amenos que esta sea presionada-propulsada, entonces, se me vino a la cabeza después de leer varios artículos la hipótesis de onda  radiación o energía. Por otra parte, existen gases tipo radiación que viajan a grandes velocidades y hasta se auto propulsan, pero para que eso gas exista en nuestro cuerpo tendría que explotar debido a que los mismos gases se almacenan especialmente en tanques sellados de aleaciones metálicas, si nuestro cuerpo emanara un gas tan fuerte nuestro cuerpo explotaría y tal cosa no sucede, entonces repito; como es que traspasa cristales? Como viaja contra el viento? Como alcanza velocidades de milisegundos? Es con esas preguntas y muchas otras que llego a la conclusión de que PATM es algo mas que gas, lo mas próximo seria la radiación, las ondas FR y la energía  (positivo o negativo u otro tipo de energía)de alguna u otra forma.

Aquí muchos tomaron Vitaminas y otros productos farmacéuticos y naturales (antifungicos, antibióticos, probioticos, prebioticos, etcs) pre nadie dijo que se libero del PATM,  a algunos ni les hizo efecto, tal es el caso mio que probé todo tipo de dieta, también sigo tomado vitaminas y probioticos, el PATM sigue presente.

Entiendo que el PATM a veces no lleva a la desesperación, pero lo mejor es calmar la ansiedad y tomar el control, aceptar lo que tenemos y buscar la solución  lo mas relajado para no llegar a cometer “locuras”.

En los tiempos antiguos, cualquier “fenómeno” natural se consideraba  una obra divina (dioses) si este fenómeno era buena, caso contrario si el fenómeno era mala entonces se la denominaba que era obra del mal (diablo), ahora bien, el PATM es desconocido por los médicos y no manda al psicólogo y psiquiatra, pero no por ello vamos a decir que es obra de alguna brujería o parecido.

Por otra parte; aquí andan diciendo o están casi seguros que el PATM es un Moho-hongo que se metió en nuestro sangre o en algún ligar de nuestro sistema respiratorio, pero to personalmente fui a discutir y preguntar a los doctores una y otra ves sobre como se manifiestan en nuestro cuerpo la presencia de los Hongos-mohos, lo que me respondió son; Piel sarnosa, piel con hinchazones, cáncer, pulmones destrozados, riñón dañado, hemorragias internas, perdida de pelo, etcs, todos esos síntomas aparecen en menos de un año, en 3 años ya estaríamos en el hospital intoxicados moribundos ya que los hongos se multiplican rápido, entonces, digo; yo tengo PATM casi 3 años y sigo vivo y te juraría que no tengo nada de infecciones en la piel, el análisis de sangre y otros estudios salen normales, los estudios me hice como 10 veces algunos en el mismo hospital y en distintos lugares, es por eso que llegue a la conclusión de que Moho u Hongo no pueden ser, ademas existen personas que viven en casas llenos de hongos, vagos desnutridos en medio de los mohos y hongos viviendo y no tienen PATM, quizás sea lo nuestro una caso especial de infección de hongos-moho, pero aun así sigo preguntándome; como viaja tan rápido? Como no discrimina las esporas el clima? Como este tiene la capacidad de traspasar ventanas de cristal? (existen mas preguntas) No lo se, no existe una explicación.
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I'm not religious but i wouldn't call myself an atheist (I believe in my own god) your text sounds indeed strange but since we hardly find any basic
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i think we have to search in these uncommon fields as well, do you think it works for people who doesn't speak this language?
Sorry but that's bulshits for me about magicwitchcraft.I do more believe in astrology because as you know i am mindspace and astrology so much helped me in my life-for those who are professionals in astrology they know what is all about.So what i think is that everything in our body should be in balance.I am talking also  about microelements and vitamins.What I think is that definitely our problem is physiological and not psychological.Diseases are due to microelements and vitamins deficiency.Previously I said that I reduce  significant amount of PATM reactions due to probiotic which contains zinc.I trully beleive that only zinc help about this and not the probiotic.That's why probiotics can't cure PATM.I tnink is because our damaged gut flora is the consequence but not the reason.And people like grateful2011 and hopeful12345 are PATM free but they don't think that are cured and they're still on a candida diet which is not good  I think.Last days I consumed more zinc rich foods and nobody cough around me.For men you know that if we masterbate actually we lose zinc and that is related somehow for those who have problems with hair loss.Also my sleep is getting better and better.I sleep now for about 8-9 hours per night which  for the last few years was impossible due to PATM and other problems.I had serious sleep problems.I think somehow zinc is related to vitamin B12 deficiency and other deficiency like copper,iron etc.Vitamin b12 deficiency is serious problem worldwide.Consequences of b12 deficiency are low methylation which means high histamine,high homocysteine levels which is toxic for the body,mtfr gene deficiency-related to electrosensitivity,leaky gut,candida,stress,autoimmune diseases etc.I believe that we have to change our diet.We know that sugar is bad but that's not all true.Dark chocolate and cocoa are ok.Read what it contains.It  also contains zinc and other minerals.Raw peanuts are zinc rich food.I think about  80% zinc rich foods are rich in vitamin b12 also.When i consume such foods nobody cough around me.And I also wanna talk about supplements.Somebody previously said that too much supplements=toxicity.I think that''s true because all these supplements have artificial contain and it's not good for our body.Exactly dose per day is important.For example we need zinc  about 15mg per day.So many supplements contain much more than that  which is also toxicity for the body.
we are on the right track with this-believe me.The question is -what should be the right treatment.
Eat more b12,zinc,iron rich foods.
Keltic it works for every body as the Quran was not only sent for Muslims but to all mankind.
mindspace I think you are very smart but don't you think if this is a disease we should feel pain on the places that are damaged. Why are we the first generation on earth that suffered these conditions. Why aren't there doctors that are specialized on this matter. If you read books you will see many books that tells us about witchcraft, spells and curses but none about Patm. Believe me if you read about the symptoms of spells on humans you will be very shocked how similar they are to Patm.
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