338830 tn?1229999478

Labor Experiences PLEASE! LOL.

Hey Ladies, I have been thinking a lot lately about labor and delivery. This is my first baby so really, I don't know what to expect. LOL. I was wondering if some of you that are experienced with L&D could tell me about what happened to you. Like about tearing, and episiotomies, and contractions, and all the nitty gritty. LOL. Thanks. Also, could you add in there some stuff about dilation and pushing and the total number of hours you were in labor? Thanks again.
15 Responses
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202436 tn?1326474333
The only time they should have to do that after a c-section is to make sure your uterus is contracting and getting smaller.
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363110 tn?1340920419
Hey all: With the Csections, did they have to push on your stomach afterwards?
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338830 tn?1229999478
Thanks so much for your comments ladies. I just love reading about other people's experiences! It makes me 10x even more excited for the big day to come for me. Even though I am a tad bit nervous, I think everyone is no matter how many babies you have had. 2 more months for me to go! YAY!
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441754 tn?1216930890
It took 2 days.  I only dialated to 3 on the first day but was contracting well so they let me go until the next morning around 6 and my contractions started slacking off so they put me on petosin to get me going again.  The coantractions progressed well but I was still stuck at 3 at two pm so they decided to break my waters.  Once they did that, I went up to 5 in about forty five min.  By five I was dialated to 8 and stayed there until about seven thirty.  I went from 8-10 in about twenty min.  I started pushing at eight.  It took me 12 pushes and she was out.  I think it was about thirty min or so.  They took her away to clean her up a little while I delivered the afterbirth (it comes right out and you really don't even care or notice because you are so focused on the baby).  Then I got to hold my little girl (Nevada) for the first time :)  It was absolutely amazing.  I was really worried about labor throughout most of my pregnancy but everyone kept telling me that "you will forget the pain"  well... they lied... I still haven't forgotten what it felt like but although it hurt like hell, it was so worth every min of it (although this time I'm going to tell them to bring on the drugs) and obviously I am willing to do it again so although it does HURT (I won't lie to you), it's worth it and you get the most amazing reward from it.  As far as tearing, I tore in two places but recovered well.  For a few days after having her I used a water squirty bottle to clean myself if I had to use the bathroom (using warm water also was very soothing to the bruised and torn tissue down there) and I used the tucks pads (which kinda stung a little at first but really did help).  I think I was a little tender for about two weeks down there but when I took her home, I was able to care for her fully (my husband works nights).  Don't get me wrong I was TIRED but it works out.  I had a really good birth experience compared to some I've heard so I was lucky.  But you need to decide what you want your game plan to be for delivery but be flexable.  Think of things like drugs?  if so what kind?, natural? c section? who you want with you? what do you want to try for relaxation, distractin, or relief between contractions (my husband would apply pressure to a tennis ball and roll it up and down my back and I had a stress ball to squeeze during contractions, and I had music to listen to, we also played cards).  Keep in mind, you might have to alter or change your game plan.  I wanted to do it all naturally on my own with no drugs but I needed the petosin and some oxygen and that is okay, you do what is right at the time and try to go with the flow.  All in all, just decide on your preferences, your baby is going to come when and how he or she wants to so really you are just the one doing the work for the baby and God's game plan.  Good luck and try not to stress over it.  I promise IT IS WORTH IT.
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541196 tn?1293552936
Sunday night around 8:30 pm October 7th I went to the bathroom and discovered my mucus plug came out.  2 hours later (10:30 pm) I had my first contraction.  It felt like intense mentrual cramps.  The first two were 8 minutes apart.  Then they quickly jumped to 5 minutes apart.  I had a midwife and had full intentions of going without an epidural.  I called my dr. the next morning at 6:30 am after the contractions were about 3.5 minutes apart and told her I was in pain, but could handle staying home longer.  Middle of the afternoon the dr. called me to find out if I was still in labor and asked that I come to the office at least to make sure all was ok.  She said everything was fine and I was dialated to 4 cm and could go to the hospital if I wanted or go home and rest a bit longer.  

I went to the hospital that night at 9:30 pm.  (labor for 23 hours) My contractions were 2 minutes apart.  I thought baby was going to pop out quickly.  Well, I was only dialated to 5 at that point.  Since my water hadn't broken and I wasn't having an epidural I watched a movie in my special hot tub room trying to relax.  It was bad at this point.  I began running a fever so I got an IV with antibiotics.  They broke my water to try to speed my labot.  Still no further dialating.  I started hallucinating and shaking really bad from being in labor so long.  They over rid my concent and gave me an epidural at 36 hours in.  My labor stopped and they had to re-induce with pictocin.  My contractions were now 1 minute apart and slowly dialating.  

At 46 hours I begain pushing... they turned me in every position posible and had multple people trying to pull him out, but he was posterior (back labor position) and  he was stuck!  So after 2 hours at 48 hours in labor I had an emergency c-section because my vitals were so bad... baby was fine.  C-section was weird, but quick.  I hemmoraged afterwards and was really sick for weeks... but I have a beautiful healthy boy that is 6.5 years old now.  

And, even though it's taken me this long to not be afraid anymore... I am considering doing it again! This time it will be a scheduled c-section... which I am not looking forward to.  
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Lusie, you will "birth" the placenta. What I was speaking about (if you were asking because of my comment) is because they can force the placeta out. But do NOT let them do that.

And BTS is correct. They will push on your stomach really hard after you give birth. It helps the uterus shrink and expels a lot of the blood. It's uncomfortable, not really painful, and in the end you'll thank them because you'll most likely bleed less and for a shorter period of time.

All of that seems scary, but it's really not. So don't fret about it! Just worry about growing healthy babies!!!
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290867 tn?1333569278
Hey I was induced on June 19th and they started the pitocin at 6:00 am and I did not progress. I was at 1 cm for 30 hours. The doctor came in and broke my water and they gave me my epidural at 30 hours and 3 hours later I was 4 cm dialiated and 1 hour later they wanted to put in a internal contraction moniter because my little man was lazy but they discovered that I was 8-9 cm and decided I was too close to put one in. About a hour later I began pushing and 15 min after that I had my little Julian....

I did not have an episomity. I believe that the Kegels that I did throughout pregnancy had contributed to that... I did have a small small tear but if you are getting a epidural you wont feel it at all.

One WONDERFUL piece of advice.... Dont listen to other peoples take on Labor and Delivery because I was scared out of my mind when I went in because if what people had told me but nothing was as bad as what people told me... Get your own expierance... Best of Luck on your up comming  delivery.....
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145992 tn?1341345074
I was one week overdue so they induced me.  I went in on a Monday night about 11 pm.  They gave me a pill called cytotec and inserted it in my cervix.  I was already about 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced so the cytotec softens your cervix before they give pitocin.  I was supposed to get 2 pills about 3 hours apart and then given pitocin in the morning but sometimes the cytotec jump starts labor.  That is what happened to me.  They gave me cytotec at about 1:30 am then by 2:30 am or 3 am I felt a pop and felt extreme contractions.  I thought my water broke but it didn't.  So my doctor checked me at about 5 am and I was at 4 cm dilated.  I asked for an epidural, they came in and had trouble getting it in right.  Then once they finally got it in they asked me to move back up on the bed and right when I went to move my water broke.  Unfortunately, the epidural did nothing for me, I was only numb on one side so I felt almost everything.  At 6 am I was already at 9 cm, which was an only an hour from when I was 4 cm.  I was shocked.  Then I started feeling like I needed to push at like 6:30 am and so my doctor told me they can readjust my epidural so I can be more comfortable but I would have to wait to push or I can start to push.  I said I wanted to start, it was about 7 am.  I pushed for 2 hours and out came my son at 9:20 am, weighing 9 lbs. 2 oz.  It was a wonderful experience and I want to do without the epidural the next time around.
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After baby is born you will continue to have much smaller, lighter contractions, those will help remove the placenta from your uterus, and expell it. Once it's out they stick it in a tub and do away with it lol.

After all is said and done, they rub whats called the Fundus, and that is the top of your uterus, they dont tend to rub very nicely theu push on it quite hard, and that helps your uterus shrink back down to size.
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how do they get the placenta out?  does it hurt?
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202436 tn?1326474333
Here's my list:

#1:  routine check up at 40 wks 3 days...NO amniotic fluid left (water had NOT broken or leaked) baby was breech and suffered from iugr (growth restriction due to lack of fluid) I had a semi-emergency c-section.  I was given a spinal block and a sedative...pretty easy recovery as far as surgery goes...no complications

#2:  had normal check up on thursday, friday went into labor in the morning...had contractions throughout the day...a lot of mucus and bloody show...waited until my contractions were regular and spaced less than 7 mins apart ( approx 7 pm)...water broke as i was walking into the hospital.  In L & D I was hooked up to the fetal monitors and no heartbeat was detected...an ultrasound confirmed intrauterine fetal demise (we later found the cord was around his neck 2 x's really tight)  I was admitted and started on pitocin to speed my labor. I had an epidural and morphine for pain management.  It made me loopy so I don't remember too much.  I didnt' deliver until 12:20 the next morning...I don't remember how long I pushed I was really out of it, a nurse and my husband had to pull my legs back and kind of force me to push.  I had a minor tear that required 2 stitches.  It healed quickly and easily but I was very tender in that area for months.

#3:  I had some erratic contractions for a few days ranging from barely noticeable to extremely uncomfortable.  I woke at midnight one night to my water breaking...contractions became regular and intense pretty quick....was admitted to the hospital about 1 am at about 2 cm dialated...By 6 am I was fully dialated. I pushed for under 15 minutes....3 sets of 3 pushes each and she was born at 6:27 am...no tearing, no cutting.  That labor was completely natural...no pitocin, no epidural, no other drugs.  This recovery was by far my easiest

#4:  at 38 wks I had my check up...was 2 cm and 50 % effaced.  Doctor stripped my membranes.  I had irregular contractions off and on all weekend.  On Monday I woke up feeling some contractions but nothing major, but I felt I was leaking amniotic fluid...went to L & D they said no I wasn't and I was only 2 cm still so they sent me home.  I called my doc and she told me to go back.  I waited until approx 3:30 and went back in...They checked and I was 3 cms 75% effaced and was in fact leaking fluid.  Contractions came hard and fast...at around 5 my water broke...about 5:30 I was 6-7 cm and I asked for an epidural...anasthesiologist arrived about 6:15 ...as he was inserting the needle my son dropped like a bowling ball into the birth canal and my contractions gave me an overwhelming sensation to push.  I held out to get the epidural finished.  As they were helping me lay back down the nurse saw that he was crowning...everyone scrambled and he was born at 6:54 pm less than 4 hrs after arriving at the hospital.  It only took 3 sets of pushes with him as well.  

Hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions :)
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Abigail's Birth---again, three days away from my due date the doctor stripped my membranes. This time I had painful contractions that I felt all throughout the night. But instead of going into the hospital like I did with Elaina, I toughed it out at home. I was timing these ones and they were only 9 minutes apart. I figured I'd wake up if things were going to progress.

When I woke up I was doubled over in pain. I could hardly walk, yet I was GRINNING from ear-to-ear. I knew this was it!!! I called the hospital and spoke with the on-call OBGYN. I took a shower before going in and that was incredibly interesting because of the contractions.

I get there and I'm 4cm. They hook me up to those monitors I mentioned before. The pain started becoming unbearable but this time DH was a lot more help. And I had my MIL there with me and she was AMAZING help. She sat and knitted and prayed the whole time.

So the nurse gave me this wonderful, euphoric drug that made everything swim and made me giggle. She chose at that moment to make me sign paperwork. So I'd sign my name with a flourish, giggling, on all the documents.

It wore off too quickly, in my opinion. But luckily my epidural arrived. I felt it this time. I think I paid more attention to details this time. They have you sit up, swing your legs over the side of the bed, and hunch over. You have to hold completely still. It helps to have your partner "hug" you to help keep you balanced.

Anyway, wonderful epidural kicked in and I slept. Dilation this time was slow going. Finally had my water broke at about 7cm. I don't remember how much longer but finally it was time to push! The epidural was wearing off this time so I could feel the contractions but they weren't intense.

The nurses were AMAZING this time around. I had my MIL and husband on my right-hand side, coaching me and some awesome nurses on my left-hand side. They really explained how to push and my second daughter was born a lot faster.

DH got to cut the cord. He said it was really weird and felt like he was cutting a sausage. I got to hold baby immediately, while she was still slimy and bloody. She weighed a whopping 8 lbs 8 oz. Unfortunately she had her arm across her chest, which caused her collarbone to snap while she was being delivered.

Other than that she was healthy and perfect!!!

Giving birth is the most amazing thing you'll ever experience. Don't be frightened! You'll be in great hands and don't be afraid to ask for help. And have support at the hospital. Having my MIL there was a Godsend.
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I love this topic! Okay so I have two baby girls and each experience was different, and yet some things were similar.

Elaina's Birth--- when I was three days away from my due date, my doctor stripped my membranes. That sounds so gross, but it basically means he separated the bag of waters from the cervix. That night I "felt funny" and I was hunched over, but I wasn't in pain. Walking was incredibly different and strange compared to the rest of my pregnancy. So called L&D and they wanted me to go in.

They hook you up to monitors (huge straps around your belly) to monitor baby's h/b and contractions. After a couple of hours NOTHING happened. They weren't consistent. I was in near tears, thinking we were going home empty-handed and STILL pregnant. But the on-call doctor told the nurse to give me morphine (it was supposed to stop false labor or kick up true labor).

I settled in for a pleasant sleep. When I woke up, they broke my water, found meconium (baby's first poo) in the fluid. This can be dangerous if baby asphixiates it. I got an epidural because I'm simply just a wimp about pain. The contractions were so bad I couldn't even feel the epidural except for this cold sensation that went up and then down my spine. After 3 1/2 hours I was dilated to 10 and began pushing.

It took 10-15 minutes to push. I couldn't feel to push and the nurses were NOT helpful. Neither was DH. But she finally came into the world at 7 lbs 5.2 ounces. DH didn't get to cut the cord and she was rushed to a warming table (because of the meconium they had to work really fast). I had to watch her cry from across the room.

Then this nurse like attacked my stomach and the doctor yanked the placenta out. I do not recomment that as it could leave bits of placenta behind. The doctor was in a hurry to get a c-section and that's why she did it. Again, don't let them do that.

I had a tiny tear that the doctor stitched up and that was it! I got to hold my baby and the rest, as they say, is history.
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287246 tn?1318570063
Well, I have 5 kids so I have had lots of different experiences.  I have both torn and had an episiotomy.  My labor has varied from baby to baby.

With my first, I was in labor for about 48 hours.  Now that was from the very beginning, not full blown labor.  I had the episiotomy with him.

2nd, I was only in labor for about 12 hours total.  I tore with her and had stitches.

3rd, I was in labor from start to finish for about 24 hours.  With her, I didn't have any problems vaginally, but I had the worst hemroids of my life; very painful.

4th, I was induced by my choice to make sure that my doc was the one to deliver.  I was in labor for about 9 hours. I don't think I had to have stitches with her.

5th, I was in labor for about 12 hours.  I tore and had stitches.

With my first, I had to push for 2 hours.  And I had been in labor for a long time, so I was just exhausted when he was born.  But with my 4 girls, the pushing part was very fast.  My doc said that it would be since my body had "done this" before.  I had a lot of anxiety when I was expecting my 2nd, but my doc was right.  The pushing part is pretty quick now.
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I was induce on a Monday night. They started me on pitocin at about 7:30 after 2hours of nothing, they broke my water and starting feeling everything. So having labor start at 9:30. By 11:30 I was ready for my epi. At only 3.5cm. By 1:30 I was 4-5 and by 3am I was about a 7 or so I had my nurse come back in at 4:00 because I was feeling a lot of pressure and I was at 10cm we started pushing at 4:30 and he was out at 4:48am.
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