sores on legs

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on sores on legs (965368)
I continue to have these bumps on my arms, some on my face, on my outer rimes of my ears. (...
For almost 8 years I have been getting very small itchy blisters on various spots on my arm...
I recently had lots of mosquito/insect bites all over my back due to camping. However, the...
i am 18yr old black girl and I have had so many scars on my legs which have refused to go ...
I am 19 year old male. No previous Health issues. Two months ago I began to get a sore on...
I treated for HepC last year and as of Jan 22nd am SVR, 24 weeks past EOT Hep C free. My li...
Hey I've had a rash off and on since treatment started its been unpleasant but not horrible...
Hi, Just wondering if it is possible to get all the symptoms of Herpes except for the so...
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I have an American Bulldog, he has a rash on both back legs and he is constantly chewing/sc...