Well?  Does this sound familiar?
Well?  Does this sound familiar?
Comments (13)
572651 tn?1530999357
Lulu54, Oct 29, 2008
I think this card is meant to be humorous but it strike a bit close to the truth as well.........
494672 tn?1254152672
Janette2836, Oct 29, 2008
That is cute!  VERY close to home but made me laugh anyway.  One of the times I called the Neuros office to check on my results I asked the nurse about the LP the doctor said he MIGHT want to do.  She turned it around & said - so you want to have an LP done!  HELLO - NO but if it will help figure out what is wrong with me then YES.

Thanks for sharing  :)
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OperaMBA, Oct 29, 2008
I would say, with the neuros, a second opinion would be them restating their first opinion.

When you ARE God, you don't need to defer to someone else.
428506 tn?1296557399
wonko, Oct 29, 2008
I think what's wrong with me is that I go to the dr. with the expectation of getting help!  LOL!  My moodiness aside, very cute.
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Oct 29, 2008
Too funny!  Too true!
572651 tn?1530999357
Lulu54, Oct 29, 2008
I got this card after my heart attack while I was still in major denial telling everyone it just didn't feel quite like a heart attack should - as it turns out, I was absolutely right.....  So this patient did come up with the correct second opinion.  its a shame it has to be that way- I didn't go to medical school to learn all this stuff..... - Lulu
611606 tn?1315517767
ShadowsSister, Oct 30, 2008
Very Funny, Sad but so true... :-)
634733 tn?1316625992
Eyesnlegs, Feb 16, 2009
It's so true, when I went for my VEP the nurse said "so you've had to fight for this have you?" - how did she know it's my guess that most people do!
572651 tn?1530999357
Lulu54, Feb 16, 2009
I'm glad you appreciated the dark humor in this one..... - Lu
870898 tn?1240037680
shrubling, Apr 19, 2009
This hits unnervingly close to home! (: