The weird tongue is back
The weird tongue is back
Comments (4)
605877 tn?1301700646
sallyann27, Dec 19, 2008
You see really bright red for first third and then white. any ideas?
534785 tn?1329592208
Jules77733, Mar 10, 2009
Could be oral thrush, or it could just be that you need to brush your tongue more (bacterial build-up in your mouth is what causes your tongue to begin to accrue a white coating). It doesn't seem like you need to be too concerned about it (sorry I just noticed the picture now lol...I'm a little slow!). On the plus side, you have really nice teeth!
605877 tn?1301700646
sallyann27, Mar 12, 2009
Thanks for the nice teeth comment. It's apparently related to my acid reflux/heartburn/digestion issues. I showed the doctor and he wasn't too concerned, thankfully! x
534785 tn?1329592208
Jules77733, Mar 22, 2009
No problem...I wish my teeth were that nice! Do you use whitening toothpaste, or are you just a really healthy eater?