Lol he is built well. .. lmbo wow!
Lol he is built well. .. lmbo wow!
Comments (6)
4769306 tn?1568490209
KeeLolo, Apr 27, 2016
Lmbo, definitely a baby boy in there.... Congrats :-)
2020005 tn?1628125976
KTowne, Apr 27, 2016
Lol! He's like here mom...there is NO doubt now is there?!
9068665 tn?1461770912
DestinyH, Apr 27, 2016
Deff a boy !!
1816154 tn?1463430018
hansen20, Apr 27, 2016
Well if soda didn't make him move at 20 weeks,  sugar water does! And caption berry crunch lmbo. He didn't move the first 32 minutes but when he did start at 2:36 he was flipping back and forth to each sides. So it made it harder for the student and the ultrasound tech to get pictures lol but we got them. Thank you ladies! I'm in like a huge white cloud floating around lol, I can't believe that after having my son and daughter,  then a step daughter then 2 more daughters that we get our boy finally!
Lol keelolo and my husband though it was a girl,  but he she'd a few tears when they said boy.
KT lmbo right! I just want to jump for joy!!
5575813 tn?1452481085
Hollus, Apr 27, 2016
I thought it was a boy! :-D  I bet your son is overjoyed too!! Congratulations Hansen!!
1816154 tn?1463430018
hansen20, Apr 27, 2016
Lol yes you did Hollus!  Oh yes lol I guess my 3 older kids was right after all too. He loves his baby brother already.