Miss Phoenix, exploring the people pillows. 10 MAR 2021
Miss Phoenix, exploring the people pillows. 10 MAR 2021
Comments (2)
134578 tn?1693250592
AnnieBrooke, Mar 15, 2021
Like the facial expression -- "I'm just not sure about this." (But maybe that's her normal one? Our cat Dandy is always frowning, even when she purrs.)
506791 tn?1439842983
Piparskeggr, Mar 16, 2021
Miss Phoenix is a tiny bit (7 pounds) who was an only cat from age 3 months until we got her at age 3 years 5 months.
Being adopted out of the home she knew, to a new one with strange people and BIG brother cats, one might think she has some concerns.

However, she is starting to run up to the screen door when the boys are there, sometimes doing the kitten hop turn come play with me thing and sometimes hissing. It'll wotk out.