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Mood Tracker*
for MsHartline
Mood Tracker Stats
Major Depressive
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Notes for this Tracker
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Just a quick note to say hi!
Just wanted to let you know I can relate. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.
Cheer Up!
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keep trying to think positively, be happy :) hope you have a good week
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I have a question about your response to the mood tracker.  I found when I did something similar for my health provider I would often get a positive response from them and really did not know why.  Then one day my husband had a look at my tracker and was gob smacked I had put days at average and or normal and some as happy!  After discussion it turned out what was a 'normal and or a happy day' for me was somewhat skewed.  In fact ALL those days I was under the 'Normal' mood range.  For example if I had no suicidal thoughts that day I chose that day must have been 'normal' - even though I had stayed in bed in a dark room all day and did not eat!!
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Just a quick note to say hi!
Introduction to Trackers
This short tutorial will show you how to use your new tracker.
Tracker Toolbar
All your trackers can be found here.
Take Action
You can customize your tracker, change your privacy, print or email your tracker here.
The Timeline
You can move the slider to view your historical data.
Add Data
Click here or in the chart below to start entering data. If data already exists, you will be able to edit it.
You've completed the tutorial and you're now ready to use your tracker. Click Next to start entering data now.