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CT contrast allergy for weeks?

I had a CT with IV contrast scan over 5 weeks ago and am still having a rash, occasional chest pain and itching, mild lip/tongue swelling despite 25 mg Prednisone. I had anaphylaxis immediately after the CT and 6 hours later with tongue/lip swelling, hives etc. I am trying to taper the steroid. Has anyone else experienced a reaction like this? I am seeing the necessary physicians, but none of them have encountered a reaction like this.
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To the original poster: Hopefully the rash and the itching completely went away. If so, how long did it take for the itch/rash to go away completely?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The symptoms depend on the severity of the allergic reaction. As I can see you are gradually improving. It will help to maintain a dairy and monitor your reactions and symptoms. This will help to narrow down the search. Also, allergic testing would be worth looking into. Here, the severity of the allergic reaction is tested and based on this the therapy is planned. The dilution of the agent used and the course of therapy are planned according to the severity and with adequate monitoring the person is desensitized.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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I have never reacted to jewelry or shrimp, but am going to have a bloodtest for shellfish allergy. I'm down to 7.5 mg prednisone and mostly just having a fairly constant rash and itching now. I'm really hoping that the other symptoms don't come back.  Betbri, what problems are you having? Were you given contrast IV for a CT? I wasn't aware of metallic content in contrast. From what I've read, they presume that contrast allergy doesn't equal iodine or shellfish allergy, but I'm having the shellfish testing to be prudent.

Dr. Paderla, have you seen a reaction last this long (now 7 weeks)

Thank you both for your replies.
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I was very surprised to see this post, as it was a complete accident I ran across it!  I just found out for myself that contrast has been causing some major health problems for me becuase of the metal content that I am allergic to.  However, if you are allergic to iodine, you could be having a reaction to the iodine content also.  Do you know if you are allergic to shrimp, or do you have skin reactions to wearing certain types of jewelry?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Contrast mediums are known to cause allergic reactions. It may take time for the allergic reaction to settle down.  Being watchful of your symptoms and adjustment of the steroid medication may be helpful.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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