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Smptomsy similar to GERD

Hello and thanks for replying!
I ask for help from Uganda where I am volunteering.

Almost constant burning throat for two months. Intermittent lump and sores in the throat. Intermittent and mild pain in the right side of the chest. Normal stools every day. No other pain (excluding three-year chronic shoulder pain). I sleep well at night. I swallow without problems.

Spoke to various doctors. According to them: tonsillitis, lung infection due to mold, stomach infection, reflux, weak LES, hiatal hernia, allergy, anxiety, stress, malnutrition, ibuprofen ulcer, too much fasting...

Tried antacids (pepto, gaviscon..) but stopped because they increase the burning sensation. Instead I find relief with throat lozenges, cloves, ginger, or by rubbing vics on my nose and throat.

On medical advice, I have eliminated citrus fruits, vinegar and pineapple from my diet but when I try to eat a little of them the burning sensation in my throat decreases.

I have been taking Pantop-D, breathezy-L, Avamys spray for 3 weeks and I see minimal improvements. I also occasionally take carbolithium and other supplements (melatonin, bromelain, calcium citrate, vitamin D, Omega-3...)

Lung X-rays OK. Abdomen and neck endoscopy OK.
Also done many blood and stool tests and everything is normal except very high iron, calcium and low proteins. H.pilori, covid, TC, HIV, Siphilis, Hepatitis, Typhoid negative. I can't do gastroscopy nor barium swallow unfortunately.

Advices? Does it make sense to do tests like trying to eat on an incline (TRENDELENBURG), or bicarbonate or ACV tests for stomach acidity?

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