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i used to drink alot when i was younger every weekend for ab out 3 or 4 years plus in the summer it would increase i am not able to drink at all really anymore when i drink hard alcohol if i am able to i am fine when drunk but throw up for say 10 hours the next day. i love beer and i try to drink it but i get to my third beer and get a migrane and stomach ache and all the colour gets drained out of me and i look like a ghost any clues to why this i happening
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You could be having alcohol intolerance but nothing can be said with surety without a proper clinical examination.

You should avoid alcohol if it is causing your symptoms and take oral antihistamine medications for symptomatic relief.

Have you had allergic reactions in the past? Are you allergic to any other specific substances?

You could read more about the condition at the following link -


It would help to take a vitamin B complex and also consult your doctor for your symptoms if they persist.

Post us if you have any other doubts and let us know about how you are doing.

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179332 tn?1273247359
You would be surprised how many people are allergic to yeast in alcohol.
Beer and Wine especially...sounds like drinking isn't a very relaxing nor enjoyable experience for you - so, why do it??  Either it's an allergy or you are giving yourself alcohol posioning when you drink in excess... your body and brain can only handle so much... You can have allergy testing done to see if you are allergic to yeasts...and you can have bloodwork done to make sure your kidneys are functioning properly as well...you liver might just be tuckered out from having to work so hard...
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