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Fundoplication Reversal

Hi everyone, I'm trying to find out as much information as possible on having fundoplication surgery reversed.
I had this surgery not so long ago. Without going into too much detail a series of events and mistakes made by myself and others led me to believe that having this surgery would be a good idea. My reflux wasn't that bad at all really and the medication was working well.I had a small sliding Hiatal Hernia so I still had occasional reflux on the medication but it was more like a gas with no acids or liquids really and all of my other symptoms had gone despite not taking my diet and lifestyle changes that seriously.

Now I'm sure this surgery helps a lot of people with severe reflux that cannot be controlled well with medication and lifestyle changes but I have to say that in my case all of the complications or side effects associated with the procedure are 50 times worse and harder to live with that what the surgeon described to me himself after reviewing my 24 hr PH study as mild reflux.

I'm very keen to have this operation reversed and would love to here from anyone anywhere who has managed to have a full reversal. I would love to know if the bloating and abdominal pain has gone or improved. if you can burp freely whenever you need to ( something I totally underestimated the importance of in my case ), if your bowels have improved and if your reflux returned any worse than before having the operation.

Also I live in Australia, so if anyone down under has had this operation reversed or is looking into it please help me out with any information you may have.

I feel this operation is being marketed by some practitioners as a convenient thing to have done to avoid taking medication each day. Something I have learnt the hard way and wish someone had said to me is this operation is a big deal and the recovery time can be very long. Take your diet and lifestyle changes very seriously and only consider surgery if your reflux is bad and when you have tried every other option available with no success.    

Thank you,


45 Responses
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I had a fundoplication done in 1998.All the problems people described is what happens after surgery. You won't be able to vomit or burp . Instead you will have major problems with bloating and diarrhea.For me spasms ,bloating stomach pain are all happening  at the same time. The chest spasms are always very painful, last a few days. Luckily this only happens about once or twice a year and lasts anywhere from one to two days. The surgery was the most painful experience I ever had. Don't expect to bounce back right away. You're going to have those side effects for a few months. It is very important that you keep in touch with your Gastro dr. I 've had many dialations, at least once or twice a and and suggest everyone to do the time because as time passes the esophagus shrinks and food will start to get stuck. That's when I call and schedule for a dilation. This stretches the esophagus so good will go all the way down.It's very simple and doesn't hurt at all.
Now it's 2019 and I'm having problems again because of going through many different tests  it was discovered that my wrap was done too tight.
  Now the only option is an undo. I've been trying to find info th somebody who has this done without any luck. If anyone has had this done,I bed some help
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329165 tn?1515471990
G’day mate! All the way from Sydney. I hope you have had a resolve by now. I had the Nissen Fundo partial done 2012 due to barretts Esophagus at a young age. I was doing well until 2 years ago. I am now on a medicare list to get the operation re-done as mine came undone after 4 years. My surgeon is in Adelaide and he suggested the partial fundo as it allows you to burp and has that least amount of side effects.

Hope this was helpful.
All the best!
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Hello everyone.   Is there anyone out there who has had a 270 degree toupet nissen operation and who suffers with severe vomiting since? Please get in touch.
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I have ad 3 Nissan fundiopcation surgeries. The first in Nov. 2003 because I had Barrett’s esophagus. Terrible reflux!  The surgeon had done over 300 of this surgery with great results for his patients. The day of my surgery, the robot assistant he used to do the laprascopic procedure was not working. He ended up using a human assistant that he’d never worked with. Needless to say, it was a huge failure. Turns out it was twisted and too tight. I wasn’t able to keep anything down. Water came back up as foam. One week later he went back in to try and figure out what went wrong. He also took out my gallbladder to justify the extra surgery. I ate thru a stomach tube while the dr. tried several different things to stretch the wrap. I finally got frustrated and went to a different Dr. He did a swallowing test that showed the surgery was too tight and twisted. My Dr. never was able to figure it out.

I was referred to the University of Washington and Dr. Oeshlager. He did a few tests and scheduled surgery for two weeks. This is April 2004. The surgery went well and I could eat as soon a I came too. Was healed up and back to work in 2 weeks.
All was well until July 2008 when I lifted a broken gate at work. I felt my back pop and started having pains like my Nissan had come apart. Ended up in Portland, Or at OSHU medical school and hospital. A few tests and my wrap had slipped through my diaphragm. It was very painful, and the Dr. Hunter agreed to perform the redo. They ended up taking 7 hours for the surgery. I had so much scar tissue that my stomach was connected to my liver and other organs. I am thankful the surgical team took the time to debride the scar tissue. And were able to finish the nissen surgery.
That was 10 years ago and I am again having problems. For some reason I am aspirating food into my lungs when I eat. This leads to coughing and retching that is so badI can hardly stand it.
I moved to Hawaii 2 years ago. I thought it would be a good place to enjoy retirement. It is ok here, except for the lack of specialists. I have been told by 3 dr.s here that I need to go back to the mainland as no doctor here will touch me. I wish I had researched the medical community here before moving. I am not sure what will happen to me. The chances of getting someone to do a 4th Nissen is unlikely. Sounds like the next step would be a complete gastrectomy. I am discouraged, but I am not ready to give up.

I too have had 3 operations.  The first was a full missen fundoplication.  Turned out to be too tight and regurgitated my food.  Had another surgeon do an undo.  All ok for a while until reflux caused grade 4 erosions.  The surgeon decided to do a partial wrap 4 years ago but I had constant vomitting 3/4 times a week as stomach could not digest food any longer.  The last wrap failed 6 months after  and hiatus hernia is back. I am now having a partial stomach removal later this year.  I am now thinking I should never have had the operations but hopefully be able to eat without vomitting.  It is likely I will still have reflux and suffer symptoms due to hiatus hernia.
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Hiya.  I am wondering how you are getting on now as we did communicate but lost touch about this operation.  Pippy164 from england
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I am wondering how things are going for you now. Are you still taking medication to help out?
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63984 tn?1385437939
You will know, if you develop Baretts, or like me, burn your vocal chords and watch your teeth turn black when acid dissolves your enamel, leaving you not only the surgery expense, but coating your teeth.  I got all three, and quickly, like a New York Minute.  You probably made the right decision.  Just stick to the diet, and like the nurses told me, "We LOVE farts, we know the procedure worked!"  Just fart and know the procedure worked.  You will experience some problems in the southern hemisphere for awhile.  
I haven't taken an antacid pill since the surgery, what a blessing!
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I'm 34, from Melbourne, VIC..had the Toupet wrap done 3 days ago and reading all of the above is scary considering there's likely no going back.
I had a 2cm hiatal hernia and reflux/heartburn as a result...I'd wake up feeling like my throat had acid in it all night unless I slept sitting up or with the bed raised with phonebooks.  It was either take Nexium/Pariet/Somac for life (which seemed to dried me out..eyes, mouth, skin, constipation) or get the surgery.

The greatest worry was the possibility of developing Barrett's, and I had mucus in my throat all the time (still do) as confirmed by ENT scope.
I had the motility study and 24 hour PH monitor and they concluded that the hernia repair/Toupet wrap was the best course of action.  I asked repeatedly if they could just repair the hernia and not wrap my stomach and was told that the wrap was required or reflux symptoms would likely resume.  I can't burp at all now, it happens internally, not too pleased about that.  It's easy to forget the point of the operation was to stop the reflux with these new problems I'm experiencing in recovery..  People say reflux is normal, everybody gets it...who's to know if it's at the point where it's causing irreversable damage or not.
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A lot of controversy about this type of operation but what it comes down to is about our individual problems.  We all have different functioning stomachs so it may not suit all.  I have had 2 fundos and one reversal,all not without their problems.  I would say the last one I had in March this year ( the partial wrap) was the most painful due to scare tissue.  This was done by laproscopy and I will not be able to have any more surgery. My post op test show a very slight improvement but I still have reflux and vomitting. It was  50/50 as to whether the reflux would be improved and was told this by the surgeon.  
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I'm so glad to have read your post.  You are the first person to say that you have had yours reversed.  That was my only question, can you have it reversed.  I didn't know if it was possible.  You have given me my answer.  
I had mine done in 2008 before Nexium.  If I had taken this particular drug in the first place, I wouldn't have even considered surgery.  
The Nexium cures the heartburn but I still reflux at night, ALOT, and then it goes into my lungs.  Nothing was accomplished by having the useless surgery.  Plus my chest feels tight, confined and uncomfortable.  
I'm going to check into having my wrap, although it looks like stitches in the xray, removed.  And probably do a lot of vegan eating.    
Thank you so much.  Hope you are still doing very well!
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Hi I had hiatal repair Nissan fundoplication end of Feb 2014. I couldn't drink water for 2 mo. I have not been able to eat food and the recent barium swallow showed that two tiny sips of the white drink barely moved down but came to a stop and didn't enter stomach.  I am now scheduled this Thur for endo with stretching.  I have been so concerned that the fundo would be damaged, but I am having vomiting, so know I have to do something !!! At least the vomiting isn't as painful. It seems it starts mid chest, throat, and stacks up around belt line.  What can I tell dr doing procedure to make him aware of my own special needs, and will it work, what are risks.  Etc
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63984 tn?1385437939
I'm not confrontational, I'm sorry if I came across as such.  I'm well aware that surgical procedures can go haywire, I had heart bypass surgery two years ago and the procedure failed six months ago, leaving me not just uncomfortable but with Congestive Heart Failure.  Bypass surgery helps a huge per cent of the population who need it, in my case my body simply rejected the transplants of the veins for arteries.
That said, I don't want to blanket the process with negative comments, I was the exception, not the rule.  I've followed this board since 1997 and hope to make sure my negative results don't influence other people from seeking help.  I trust you will find some peace and comfort.
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Mate I'm very glad that the operation worked out great for you but to answer your questions in one sentence - No sorry I didn't do anything wrong - followed all the advice I was given to the letter & I'm not overweight as well.  

The surgeon was very experienced too, but very very deceptive as well. Look basically I'm not willing to tell you or anyone else all the details here online for obvious reasons, but to put things in perspective I recall a recent case here in the media of a surgeon that removed the wrong kidney from a patient, they are not Gods and some do make big mistakes - and in my case then back away from them leaving the patient in the dark and without any answers or
a way forward. Surely you're not supporting that sort of treatment ?

Don't take my situation as a personal attack on your successful operation. Surgery's can go wrong & all my posts on MedHelp were to find out information & advice as my surgeon wasn't interested in that.

I leaned more in the first 45min visit with my second surgeon than all the  visits put together with the guy that did my operation and yes I asked him
plenty of questions prior to my operation, just so you know.

I now post on here to help others who are having problems post surgery & have shared all the information I learned during my recovery. As mentioned  I'm really glad you had a great outcome but as you say above 90%, don't the other 10% deserve a voice and some advice? Put yourself on the other side of that equation for a while and please show some empathy for others.

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63984 tn?1385437939
Did you follow the diet prescribed by the doctor/hospital dietician following the surgery?  
Did you mix in solid food the first month after the procedure?
Did you drink carbonated drinks of any kind?
Did you check out the surgeon prior to the procedure and choose one who has a lot of experience with the procedure?

Over 90% of patients who have the procedure had a good outcome.  I certainly did.  Tonight I had Buccatini with San Marzano tomato sauce with garlic, onions and red peppers.  I haven't had a pill to control acid in 6 years, and when I had the procedure, my teeth were turning black from acid reflux and my vocal chords are toast from it.

A member of my family had the procedure, but decided to follow her own diet with terrible results, she wrecked the surgery by stuffing herself.  

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Hi Anneshere,

I feel for you, try and keep a positive outlook - I know it's very very hard. Your recovery is going to take anywhere from 6 to 12 months or even longer as in my case. I'm 2 years 5 months post op now & I can honestly say it took me around1 1/2 years before I felt I could try and put this massive mistake of an operation behind me and focus on moving forward with my life.

In regard to having the wrap undone, I wouldn't recommend it as they destroy all of your natural reflux barriers and replace them with the wrap, so if that wrap is undone your going to be potentially exposed to really bad reflux that could start months and months after having it undone ? In my case undoing it seemed like a big risk of doing more damage with an unknown outcome.

Bottom line is I regret having this op with ALL of my heart but what is done is done and I now have to live with the outcome.

For anyone considering this surgery - get second and third opinions and don't even consider it unless you have very severe reflux that can not be controlled by any other means & have all the testing done to prove you need this operation don't just take some shark surgeons word for it looking to increase his bottom line !

If you're not getting any answers from the surgeon that did this to you start doing your research and get second opinions from other surgeon's as to what if anything may be going on. If the bloating & pain don't improve over the following months you need to get some explanations.

Best of luck and keep positive.


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I also am researching to have the surgery reversed. I had the surgery done 4 weeks ago and I also am having severe gas spasms. I feel awful! I have so much bloating and gas in my stomach and back. I really thought I would feel better but I dont
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Thanks for your info. I had my nissen fundoplication 6 months ago and hv developed problems i never had before. From the look of things i was never examined properly before the procedure was done. I have resently developed severe numbness in my arms at night and my everyday problem is heaveness from my throat to the head. I cant manage to carry my handbag andmy neck is stiff. Cant stand any heat to my face or head and working is not possible any more. The the doctor that saw ne at six weeks after the op said i need to hv the wrap undone as my problem was in the throat and the op would just make it worse. Im scared to go back as im not sure wat the risks are but im cobdition is getting worse. I had tgis gerd problem for 5 yeats before doing the op and all meds failed.
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BeFit1, I am going to the Mayo clinic on Monday, I had the surgery 2 years ago have not been the same since. Where did you have your's done at? I really appreciate your help. Life has been pretty MISERABLE.
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63984 tn?1385437939
Diet after a NF is very important.  For example, if you are drinking carbonated beverages or ate solid food within three months of the surgery, odds on are that you will defeat the surgery.  My surgery was very successful, but I followed dietary directions.  My sister also had the surgery, but simply could not resist overeating and unbelievably drank cokes.  I also suspect she did some purging which will quickly undo the surgery.  
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Who is your surgeon that released your nf?  I believe I have some of the same rejection feelings.  one week after my surgery I was doubled over in severe pain in my left side.  And I still have pain in that side . Its as if something has been torn there. I also still have acid reflux, my surgery did not repair this for me. I would love to have mine reversed. I had my surgery Feb 2013. I still have lots of bloating and gas and pain in the stomach.
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Thank you for posting all of your trials and tribulations with your surgery.  I am considering recommendation by my doctor to have the nissen fundoplication as well but am very wary.  After reading your experience and everyone's comments I am even more wary.  After some research on doing the hiatal closure WITHOUT doing a fundoplication, I did find some articles written by doctors at the University of Heidelburg on doing hiatal closures WITHOUT the fundoplication and having good success.  Here is the link to a very recent abstract of one of the articles on PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23670038    Even before researching this I had my doubts about rushing into the fundoplication -- it just seems like such a clunky kluge way to fix a very delicate mechanical problem.  I do have a large 6cm hiatal hernia and paraesophageal mixed hernia at that, but I think what needs to be determined before surgery is how functional the esophagus actually is despite the hernia as it is different for each patient.  Even someone with a large paraesophageal hernia like me can have some functionality left to the esophagus.  Getting the hiatal closure performed with a biologic mesh support of the closure seems to make sense but some articles I've read indicate that another test of the competence of the esophagus should be performed after the hiatal closure but before the fundoplication to see if the fundoplication is really necessary.  Finding a doctor who will only do the hiatal closure without the fundoplication in the US is difficult, however.  I may have to go to Europe I guess!   Another area of research I'm interested in is why they can't reengineer the phrenoesophageal ligament -- it is the ligament that surrounds the esophagus and anchors it to the diaphragm from both above and below in an elastic fashion -- a true support system that is mostly destroyed in those of us with hiatal hernias.  Restoring that ligament using sophisticated tissue engineering would seem the way to go -- if they can restore valves in hearts why can't they restore this most important part of the anatomy also.  Anyway, please continue to post Gastroboy -- I really hope you get some satisfaction and compensation for all of your difficulties as it does sound like your surgeon's skill was deficient.  
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Hi everyone,

First I would like to apologise for not for not keeping up to date with the posts on this site. The truth is I have been trying to put all of this behind me and carry on with my life, however going through it all like many others here have I feel obligated to let others know my opinion on this surgery and what I was and wasn't told by the surgeon before and after my operation.

First I would say, if your reflux is not severer, if it responds well to medication and diet changes don't even consider having the surgery, even if your doctor or surgeon recommends you do -  why not have the surgery, here are some points my surgeon felt I didn't need to know when making my decision -

The surgery may not be permanent - It may only be effective for a number of years and here is a very important point that you may not be told - In order to do this surgery they destroy all of you bodies natural reflux barriers so when the lifespan of the operation is over your reflux may be worse than it was before having the surgery as your natural reflux barriers may no longer work. I think this is a very important point to consider especially if a person does not have severe reflux prior to surgery.

Next point - it is a major operation, I was told 2 - 3 week recovery prior to surgery by my surgeon, one month after surgery feeling very sick he started saying 6 weeks recovery - but he suspected that my recovery would take way longer. After months of feeling very sick and having all sorts of complications I lost faith in my surgeon and went to get a second opinion from another surgeon - this is when I started to learn of all the lies and crap I had been told before and after my operation by the surgeon that did my operation, here are some of them -

First up - my test results indicated I definitely did not need this surgery because my PH study score could not have been any lower.

Second - I was informed by the surgeon I was seeking a second opinion from that they tell there patients the recovery time is around 6 months and you can still be recovering at 12 months post surgery - I was told 2 - 3 weeks by my surgeon ?

Third - I had all sorts of complications after the surgery that my surgeon insisted were in no way connected with the operation an were new problems.
The complications were - bad nausea, vertigo / fainting feelings, extreme bloating & abdominal pain for hours, IBS type bowels, pulling tightness in my throat,  the new surgeon informed me that they were indeed all caused by the  surgery and ordered some tests to see what was going on. I had a gastric emptying study done and they found that I now have gastro paralysis and problems with food and liquid passing down my oesophagus.

It has been almost 16 months, I have more complications that impact on my quality of life now that mild reflux ever did although I have recovered to the point where I'm trying to get on with my life regardless because I can't turn back time and not have the surgery. The other point that the new surgeon made about having the wrap undone was It might lead to having severe reflux in the future as all of my natural reflux barriers were destroyed to make the wrap, I wanted my wrap undone but the new surgeon informed me that the problems I have now would not be fixed by undoing the wrap and doing more surgery might make things worse not better.

I hope BeFit1 was informed completely about the reversal maybe leading to bad reflux in the future - hope this never happens and you continue to do well. Like yourself my surgery was never needed and the test results proved this only the surgeon must have felt I didn't need to know any of this and wanted to do the surgery regardless, I know this may sound hard to believe but it is the truth and I must now live with the outcome.

I'm in the process of making complaints, so can't discuss all of this in a lot of detail online. My advice would be postpone the surgery and take all of your test results and get a seconds opinion to make sure you are being told all of the facts and if you even need this operation because once you have it you will never be able to go back to the way you were before the surgery, they move the position of your stomach inside your body for ever.

   dandd4444 contact me privately through this site if you want.






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Hi Gastroboy, My mum is going through the exact same symptoms as yourself .
Her quality of her life has gone 
She has been to emergency several times each year.
Can you please reply so I can ask you a few more questions?

kind Regards Chantelle
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Hi, gastroboy
Can I ask where in Victoria did you get yor NF done. I am booked for my operation next friday 10.05.13  and i am in Victoria and I have got to say I did feel reasonably comfortable about the choice to have the op but reading these posts and info on the net I am now feeling very anxious.
I really hope it gets better for you.

I have been on meds for 4 years and often wake up choking from the reflux and acid in my throat - meds have had no impact. I also have a h/hernia that will be fixed during operation but given the trust I have placed in my doctor, maybe I need to discuss a partial fundo (I was not aware of such a thing) which worries me given the talking about lack of information provided by doctors.

Maybe I am just getting worried because its so close but maybe I need more info, I just cant keep choking on my own body acid either. Wht to do???
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Hello, my story is very similar yours.  I had frequent heartburn (4yrs) and was diagnosed with Gerd.  I took PPI's that worked well (when I took them) but it became worse and I had my Gastro Doc perform an Endoscope that revealed an 4-5 cm Hiatal hernia.  He also performed an upper GI that confirmed that it was an "Sliding Hiatal hernia".  He then performed an Esophageal manometry that revealed good esophageal pressures but the Sliding Hiatal hernia was causing a small sliding stomach like sack that was stuck in my chest cavity (when I laid down) that left my LES open that cause acid erosion.  Once we had all the info we decided to have the Hiatai hernia repaired (without the mesh) and I was told that a 360 degree fundoplication was needed to stop further possible Hiatal hernias and that it would fix all my Gerd symptoms.  I had the surgery In Jan 2013 and had the common side effects (no burping, no vomitting, IBS, gas and flatuation).  At six weeks post op  I started have extreme pain in the area of the fundoplication.  It felt like I was being stabbed with a knife.  I was doubled over and nothing would relieve my pain.  I went to the emergency room and the performed a drink swallow test that revealed nothing.  Then my Doc ordered a CT scan and I also requested an ultra sound of my liver and gallbladder area because the pain also radiated to my right side.  The results where my gallbladder was extremely diseased (gallstones, sludge, lesions and ready to pop).  He then performed emergency surgery to pull the gallbladder.  I had eight more attacks (in a two week period) after surgery and discover my body was rejecting the fundoplication.  I went to my surgeon and requested the removal (release) of the fundoplication and he performed the release surgery in march 2013.  I AM 100% BETTER!!!  It was the best thing that I ever did!!!  I am feeling great and I believe that the fundoplication surgery was not needed but the Hiatal hernia repair & gallbladder was my problem all along.  The fundoplication surgery is an out-dated procedure and should not be performed.  Our natural body anatomy is the way God intended it to be and in my case my body rejected it.  Trading one symptom (heartburn/Gerd) for six symptoms was worse!!!  Please do your research first and ask question!!!  Do not just take the word of your Doctor!!!  Doctors PRACTICE medicine!!!  The operative word here is PRACTICE!!!  God Bless!!! Good Luck!!! Get it reversed ASAP!!!
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BeFit1 everything I read says that these FPs ARE the way to repair HHs. So when you say you are glad you had it reversed, and  you just needed the HH ( and gallbladder) fixed, what do you mean? What fixed the HH?

I'm sorry but if everyone just believed that our bodies were the way god intended and to let them be, no one would go to a doctor for ANYTHING and would die needlessly.
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I have suffered so much emotional stress from my first surgery July 2011  and the doc trying to tell me I was ok. I went back to him two weeks after the surgery and tried to tell him something was wrong.  I dealt with it for almost a year before I made a 7 hour trip to Cleveland Clinic and had it taken down and put back in July 2012.  The surgeon there in his own  words said my surgery was ONE WEIRD MESS!!  He  said it was so messed up most surgeons would have just taken it out.  I was stuck on a feeding tube for 10 weeks , have been through 3 major stretch procedures and can finally get some foods down like oatmeal ,etc. However I lost 50 lbs and 35 inches, and still even when I get food down , it goes straight through and I have no control of my bowels.  Nothing wrong with my colon so they think the first Doctor damaged my nerves during his messed up surgery and I may be stuck with that for life . I live off Ensure now to stay as well as I can but go back on Feb 4th for another evaluation from my Cleveland doctor to see if he can make it better or I live like I am as long as I can or stuck with a feeding tube for life. It stinks and the first doctor make it sound like a piece of cake. I can only say I wish I had went to Cleveland first, I was  told me this surgery should NEVER be done laposcopic!! It is way to major so how are these DR.s getting away with this??
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