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how to lower creatinine level from 1.25
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There are not enough studies that link kidney failure to MCS that I am aware of. However, acute kidney failure usually occurs as the result of a sudden interruption in the blood supply to the kidney, or as a result of a toxic overload of the kidneys. Some causes of acute failure include accidents, injuries or complications from surgery where the kidneys are deprived of normal blood flow for an extended period of time. Drug overdoses, whether accidental or from chemical overloads of drugs such as antibiotics or chemotherapy, may also cause the onset of acute kidney failure. Unlike in chronic kidney disease, however, the kidneys can often recover from acute failure, allowing the patient to resume a normal life. People suffering from acute failure require supportive treatment until their kidneys recover function, and they often remain at an increased risk of developing future kidney failure. On the other hand, the most common causes of chronic kidney failure include diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

Take care and regards,
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681148 tn?1437661591
Yes, what you said, but is it possible that MCS is the cause of the kidney issues that both my friend and I, who both have MCS?  I'm still trying to figure out the cause of this kidney issue that even the nephrologist hasn't been able to figure out.

By the way, we both have Oral Allergy Syndrome, which we know is linked to the MCS.

We're already doing everything we can to avoid chemicals in our daily lives.  It's maddening dealing with friends who don't understand what perfumes and fragrances do to us and insist on wearing the stuff around us anyway.  We usually have to write those people off and cut our losses.  We're both already using home-made cleaning recipes that don't involve man-made chemicals.

Is it possible that this kidney issue is also linked to the MCS, since we both are having these kidney issues?  Some time after I had been hospitalized and started to recover from the acute stage, my friend revealed that she, too, had been dealing with "sluggish kidneys".

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Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is described as a chronic condition characterized by adverse effects from exposure to low levels of chemicals or other substances . Suspected substances include smoke, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, scented products, petroleum products, and paints.  I think this is mainly the cause of the symptoms you are presently experiencing. .  A  list of common symptoms include difficulty breathing, chest pains and asthma, skin irritation, headaches, "brain fog" (short term memory loss, attention deficit), neurological symptoms (nerve pain, paralysis, weakness, trembling, restless leg syndrome, etc.), visual disturbances (blurring, halo effect, inability to focus), extreme anxiety,  joint and muscle pains, extreme fatigue, lethargy and lassitude, vertigo/dizziness, abnormally acute sense of smell, sensitivity to natural plant fragrance, insomnia, dry mouth, dry eyes, and an overactive bladder.

I would recommend that you discuss your symptoms with your doctor and have a regular follow up for your creatinine level monitoring. Many MCS sufferers benefit strongly from lifestyle changes.Try to have a chemical-free living space and chemical avoidance; prayer and meditation, and  a complete review of your diet may be needed to avoid nutritional deficiencies. Take care and do keep us posted.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I forgot to mention that I deal with a lot of nausea to this day.  I was finally sent to see a neurologist who seems to think I'm dealing with a lot more migraines than I'm aware of.

I have a lot of fatigue to deal with, along with the nausea that comes and goes.  I don't really feel refreshed when I sleep.  It's necessary for me to sleep more than it is for other people my own age.  When I do exert myself, it takes a very long time for me to recover from the exhausted feeling.  I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.  I deal with a great deal of physical pain, too.  I have chronic dry eyes and a couple of floaters, too.

I only have two things different from my friend that I know about, other than the age difference.  I have asthma and she doesn't.  I have a genetic skin condition called keratosis pilaris and she doesn't.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I was hospitalized back in September with renal failure.  I was on IV fluids for 3 out of 5 days.  I had gone in to the e.r. with severe nausea and vomiting as my main symptoms.  I didn't have any kidney pain until after I was admited to the hospital.  Then, it felt like I was being kicked in my lower ribcage, mainly on the right side.

To this day, after the follow up visits and more blood tests, the nephrologist hasn't been able to discover the underlying cause for this problem.  I eat a healthy diet and don't eat any processed foods, gluten or lactose.  I've developed food allergies to things I've been able to eat for years that are healthy foods.  I'm sad that I developed allergie to lettuce and spinach.  It won't do any good to eat them, since they won't stay down.  I just get nauseous and vomit, so what's the point.  It doesn't matter if the spinach is raw or cooked either.  I tried to see about that after someone mentioned that I probably need to make sure my vegetables are well-cooked with all these food sensivity issues, so I know I can't eat cooked spinach either.  The only fluids I drink most of the time is plain water.  Occasionally, about once or twice a month, I'll drink some rooibos tea.  I haven't had any this month at all.  Sometimes even this gentle tea will upset my GERD.  I don't drink any fruit juice, because I have sensitivities to most fruits, especially citrus.  I don't use real sugar or honey.  I'm definitely allergic to honey.  I don't use artificial sweeteners at all, not even stevia.  The jury is still out on stevia whether it's a food sensitivity or not, because it will affect my GERD.

Now, my creatinine levels have been teetering at a level that the nephrologist tells me is still a little bit on the high side and my kidneys are still not normal.  They were well above 2.0 when I was first place in the hospital.  Now, they are still somewhere above 1.0, but I forgot where he said.  I think it might still be at 1.8.

This is all confusing to me.  A friend of mine with the same list of main illnesses has been having "sluggish kidneys" herself.  Some time after I had told her that I had been in the hospital with this puzzling issue, she told me that her kidneys were "sluggish", too.

Do you have any thoughts about this?  Oh, by the way we both have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).  Would this be the possible cause of the kidney issues we're both dealing with?
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How are you? Creatinine level is only an 'estimated' test to assess kidney function. Creatinine is a breakdown byproduct of creatine phosphate, which is produced in the muscle at a constant rate. The kidneys are responsible for filtering this byproduct out and excreting it through urine. If the kidney function is compromised, the filtration is affecetd, hence, blood levels  rise. This could be as simple as dehydration or a urinary bladder obstruction, or it could be as severe as glomerulonephritis or kidney failure.

I would recommend that the underlying cause should first be determined to rule out serious kidney dysfunctions. Discuss this with your doctor for proper management. Drinking plenty of fluids may also help.

Take care and do keep us posted.
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