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Vitamin D Deficiency and B12 Deficiency

Does anyone know what causes severe B12 deficiency and vitamin d deficiency?  I am starting 50,000 IU tomorrow (twice a week) and I will start the B 12 shots (twice a week) for probably the rest of my life.  I have been really sick and have some other symptoms that I have had a lot of trouble addressing.  i have an unexplained fever and Blood Pressure that goes really high(180/120) and then drops really low (90/50).  It only does this for about 15-20 minutes and it is random, but usually every day, multiple times a day.  I have NEVER had high blood pressure before, but it seems to be unexplained.  I also have a VERY rapid pulse of 150.  It is always at least 100 even when I am laying down or doing nothing.  I am having blood work to test for hormone probs, but i just wondered what different things can cause these 2 vitamin deficiencies as I don't believe they both just happened randomly.  Can anyone help?  I am desperate...
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First check on which medications you are on if any. Metformin for diabetes depletes B12 levels/PPI's (proton pump inhibitors) for Gerd reduces absorption of B12. Many meds delete essential nutrients. Make sure you take D3 not D2 which is plant based. If doctor prescribed most likely it's D2. D3 is the more active form. Take with K2 so calcium goes to bones and take D with a healthy fat to absorb better. Taking probiotics for proper bowel flora will help increase D levels by up to 15%. Magnesium taken opposite of D3 at night works better. Check out Nutrients depleted by medications for a list of drug classes and what they deplete and replete if needed.
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If you google mold and Vitamin B12, you will see several articles out of NIH concerning B12 depletion with mold exposure. Vitamin D I believe is a comorbidity of inflammation. Google VIP and Shoemaker and you will find an article where Vit D rises after correction of inflammation with the use of VIP and no addition of Vitamin D.  I visited Dr. Shoemaker in 2010 and found it well worth the time and money spent.  He does a panel of inflammatory markers and HLA typing.  From this you can determine if you are one of the susceptible types and which markers are high. I have very High Blood Pressure which responds to losartan which reduces tgf beta 1.  TGF Beta 1 is one of the bad players in inflammation. I also have thyroid inflammation, sarcopenia, bone spurs and nevi, ovarian cysts, fibroids all related to tgf beta 1.  Just google to find out.  I have had multiple infections and electric shocks in my legs which went away after taking B12.  Splenda caused a recent episode where every joint in my body aches and my blood pressure skyrocketed.  Joint Xrays showed complete loss of cartilage in both knees- now 2 replacements.  High Homocysteine from low B12 can destroy cartilage. I also have a blackened toe from inflammation related vasculitis. I spent a year on antifungals and all that did was clear the wheeze in my lungs as I was being treated for asthma when I probably had allergic bronchial hypersensitivity from all of the Aspergillus in my lungs.  Believe me it is worth seeing a physician who follows Shoemaker protocols be tested and google every symptom and inflammatory marker to see if they are related. Give this to your physician and if he scoffs at it run. You will save a lot in copays.  I would like to know how many billions of dollars is spent on mold exposures while Washington State still teaches home inspectors not to report mold.
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I have been terribly weak and sick all of the time. They found cyst in my uterus and one on my kidney so I. Had a hysterectomy  but still feel like. Carp everyday..no no no energy and could sleep 24/7 I just went to a neurologist bc the sight in my left eye was crazy and dizziness a nd forgetting simple things ...they called today and said I had extremely low b12 levels and vitamin d.  Also I had breast implants put in back in 2009 and one or both seem to be ruptured and they r silicone.  I am on the path to find out what is wrong with me but I am not living now...just exsisting for my 3 girls.....no doctor can figure my issues .out and my husband is ready to give up on me saying that nothing is wrong with me that it is just in my head.... and I know it's not bc I am not the same person i was ten years ago I had all kinds of energy....any advice would be great.
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I have B12 and D deficiency after three years of mold exposure.  
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To answer your question, no. The body needs B-complex vitamins (which can easily be obtained from eating red meat), but a lack thereof doesn't necessarily cause vitamin D deficiency. Do some research and you'll see that Vitamin D isn't really a vitamin at all. It does, however, play a role in the proper functioning of almost every system within the body.
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There is now overwhelming evidence that vitamin D deficiency can cause or contribute to many different diseases and health issues. Get your Vitamin D optimized FIRST and see what improves as a result before you start worrying about what else could be wrong.

Vitamin D blood level should be AT LEAST 50 ng/ml according to latest research. You can bring your blood level up yourself by taking 10,000 IU of oral D3 per day (available OTC). You don't need a doctor for this, but getting a blood test after about 12 mos. would be a good idea. Once you are above 50 ng/ml and feeling better (it could take a year if your D is very low), you can then drop back to 8,000 IU per day. Do-it-yourself blood test kits are available from several websites for around $75. I think the Vitamin D Council still offers this service. Check their website.

I speak from experience. I took 10,000 IU per day for over a year for musculoskeletal pain, lack of stability, poor balance, exhaustion, etc. My vitamin D blood level is now 74 ng/ml, and all pain is gone. I feel better than I did 30 years ago, and I did it on my own without the "help" of any doctors.

You should also try to get out in the sun for a half hour a day between 10am and 2pm WITHOUT SUNSCREEN. In fact, throw your sunscreen in the trash. Your body doesn't need those chemicals leaching into your bloodstream through your skin. They do more harm than good. If you're going to be in the sun all day, cover up instead.

Don't worry about toxicity. That whole idea that vitamin D is toxic is hogwash, and I've actually been told as much by my very savvy DO. You will NOT reach toxicity on 10,000 IU per day. It takes far higher amounts to reach toxicity. You will NOT reach toxicity by sitting in the sun with your skin exposed. Every living thing needs sunlight in order to thrive, and human beings are no exception.  
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could it b possible that vit d defiency is secondary to, caused by b12 defiency. Poss caused originally by helicobactor pylori bacteria or the parasite gardiasis?
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Have you checked your hearing to make sure you don't have Tinnitus?
It's usually a cause for hearing noise, especially when you are in quiet environments.

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I am going through the exact same thing. Have you had your SED rate checked? Mine is high. My adrenal glands seem to be working TO well.  Do you have endometriosis? My doctor mentioned that she sees a lot of women with our same problems that have endo and it may be linked. At this point I have a diagnosis of vitamin b12 & d deficiency, Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, fever. I am starting these supplements tomorrow and we will recheck my bloodwork to see if my vitamins go up and my sed rate go down. If my sed rate doesnt go down I will have a CT of my adrenals and a biopsy of my lymph nodes in my armpit (that swell from time to time) to check for cancer.

I am currently taking vitamin d & b12 supplements and fludrocortisone (to raise my blood pressure and help me retain salt and fluid), salt tabs (5mg/day for the same reason)

If you find out anything or would like to ask me any questions (as I have had MANY tests and dealing with this for over a year) e-mail me at ***@****
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I get fever blisters from the sun, can taking too much vit d also cause them?
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I have also very low potassium and sodium and magnezium levls.  D and B12 are below the scales.  I have Lupus and Diabetes.  I feel like i haveth flu all the time, muscles and bones, severly ache.  I'm now having halucinations and hearing things.  My throat closes up until I can't breath.  I am seeing a Dr.  Is Vitamin D deficient an autoimmune disease?
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I also have a severe Vitamin D defiency and also B12 defiency, phospherous defieciency and Vitamin C deficiency.  I have malabsorbtive issues and some how my body does not convet D from the sun that well.  I take 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily.  This is available over the counter.  The prescription of vitamin D ergocalciferol is oil based and hard for the body to absorb.  Also too when you go out in he sun make sure the your shadow is less tan your body length and do not wear sun screen as it will block the bodies natural process.  Also too going to a tanning salon and using low level  UVA tanning beds ca be helpful as well.  If you do gout in the sun do not shower for at lest 24 hours as by doing so you will wash off the process of the skin converting the sun and oils on th skin to make Vitamin D so it would be like a waste of time of being in the sun,  You can wash the private areas and under arms if need be but that is it with the soap areas.  
I am in the middle of seeing an endocrinologist whom will see if there are anyother underlying causes for tehmalabsorbitive issues other than the gastric bypass surgery I had 5 years ago.
Also too have you calcium levels checked with a Vitamin D deficiency you an not absorb calcium very well.
Hope this helps.
Also a good reputable source for moreinfrmation on Vitamin D goto http://www.vitamindcouncil.org the web director is avitamin d expert and also confers with experts i the feild as well.
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I have both B-12 and D defiency`s severe too. My D is currently 6. I have crohn`s disease and ankylosing spondylitis.  
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    Whenever your body is dealing with a severe health problem and stress, you can have significant vitamin deficiencies, so a great number of things could be the cause of your deficiency.
It is good that you are having tests done for hormonal problems.

My mother has been experiencing "yo-yo" blood pressure, similar to yours for over a year.
She recently did an MRI of her adrenal glands, and a very small "mass" or lesion (3mm) was found on one gland. After some internet research, I believe this is the cause of her extreme blood pressure ups and downs.
You should think about having your doctor examine your adrenal function if no other cause is readily found.

Good luck to you.

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