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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in April 7, 2024

Good afternoon... sorry for the late posting.  It's just kind of been "one of those days", after one of those weeks!!! I hope everyone has had a good day.  

So, as I mentioned last week, I had the Laser Lithotripsy on my kidney stone on Thursday.  It was not as bad as I'd anticipated, for which I'm grateful.  They did have to put in a ureter stent in order for stone fragments to pass from the kidney to the bladder easier.  I knew they were going to do that, so no surprise there.  The surprise came on Friday, when I learned that the stent would have to stay in nearly a month or more vs the 2 weeks, I'd, originally, been told it would be there "about 2 weeks".  When I left the surgery center on Thursday, they gave me a paper with an appointment for the 24th - okay, fine.  On Friday, they called to see how I was doing and mentioned the appointment on the 24th.  I asked if I could get the stent removed sooner than that if enough fragments of stone were passed and the lady said "oh no... you'll just come in for a visit with the doctor and if he's satisfied that everything is progressing normally, we'll make an appointment at the surgery center to have the stent removed.  By the time it's all said and done, the stent will end up being there for well over a month vs the 2 weeks I was told. They had also said the stent removal would also be done as an office visit vs the surgical center.   I guess they have to pay for the new surgical center and if they tell you the truth, you won't agree to have the procedure done.  

The stent feels like I have a UTI - constantly have to go to the bathroom and there's a lot of pressure - very uncomfortable.  I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a real happy camper!!   I can always deal with whatever I need to deal with, as long as I know what that is.  I absolutely can't stand for people to lie to me about these things.  

Anyway, my activities are definitely curtailed and of course, it didn't help that my sister-in-law passed away and I missed her funeral yesterday.  Although I can get around on my own, etc, there's no way I could have flown to St Louis, managing luggage, etc in my condition.  

So - here we are and I'm pretty annoyed, but of course, we know I'll get over it, when the pain/discomfort is gone!!  I'll definitely think twice before I recommend this doctor for this procedure, though.

Through all of this, and the digestive issues that have gone with taking pain medications for several days, I've lost 1.2 lbs.   I'm off the pain med now, except at night when I sleep, so hoping the digestive issues will clear up on their on over the next few days.  I'm back on my probiotics and prebiotics, so that should help.  

Anyway, that's me - we had some errands to run this morning and after we got home and ate lunch, I was so tired I slept most of the afternoon.  This has definitely stressed me, that's for sure!!  

I hope everyone has had a good week and were able to reach your goals.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
Gee, the stent sounds icky. I hope it doesn't give you a real UTI! Just feeling like it is bad enough. Shame on them for hiding the length of time it will be in from you.

My weight has come down about a half pound -- the right direction since last week it had gone up. But it isn't dropping as fast as I recently put it on. I'm still up 1.5 lbs. compared to two weeks ago. After stress snacking my way through taxes, I spent a day blasting through all our bills, then researched my stepdad's life for his obituary and wrote it, finishing two days ago. (My sisters all signed off on it, too. Yay!) Maybe now that those three time-pressured tasks are done, I'll stop looking at the "Thank you" mints with a hungry eye.

We'll be spending some lengthy time tomorrow at the Department of Motor Vehicles. I need to change out my driver's license for a Real ID, my son needs to take a learner's permit test, and we also need to get new copies of the titles of our cars that were stolen during the break-in a while back. (And, re-title the car we bought for our son -- it's registered in Washington and they won't let that go on forever.) Tomorrow is a day off school but we're going to probably use several hours of it on standing in line and doing all of this. Fun.

Son and I made vegetarian borscht last night. We chopped and peeled vegetables forever, and the beets made the cutting board look like we had slaughtered an antelope, but it didn't stain (to my surprise) and wiped up pretty easily. The borscht is very tasty. I think he found the recipe in the New York Times. Glad he likes to cook, and especially, to find things on his own to try. Sorry I got conscripted to peel beets!

Have a great week!
Helpful - 0
The stent not only "sounds" icky, it IS icky...  I guess I'm fortunate that it's not a catheter, which would be even worse to have in that long.  If they'd just have told me from the beginning, it would have been so much easier!!   Of course, they gave pain medication and at first, I was thinking it would be a walk in the park, but of course, only enough pain medication for 2 days and trust me, regular Tylenol doesn't begin to touch the discomfort.  They did prescribe antibiotics to help ward off a UTI, but I'm prone to them anyway, so we'll have to see how that works.

Congratulations on your 1/2 pound down!!  It is going the right direction after the stress you've endured the  past couple of weeks.   I'm glad you got your taxes done, bills paid and step-dad's obituary done to your sisters' satisfaction.   You've had a couple of days to relax before you have to hit the DMV - never a fun way to spend the better part of a day.  

We find that if we go to one of the branch offices of DMV vs the main office, and get their fairly soon after they open (8:00 am) that we don't have to wait too long.  Of course, we always hope for that one no-nonsense worker that speeds through each task with the greatest of ease vs those that prefer to spend time chatting with the worker next to them!!!   I think the learner's permit test should take the longest, if everyone is on the ball.  It shouldn't take long to do the Real ID if you have all the info/documentation.   I used my passport, which eliminated the need for birth certificate and marriage license.    Hopefully, it won't take too long to get it all done and you son will still have time to enjoy a day off school.  

Sounds like your son is becoming quite the cook.  It's good that he likes to do that.   Since the peelings pretty much fall off beets once they're cooked, you could have gotten drafted into doing something more difficult.  

Good luck tomorrow and enjoy your week.

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