172411 tn?1287086265

hearing the dead

i wanna no something that came to my attention today. 3 wks after my mother passed away i heard her say my name KRIS it was late at nite kinda took my breath away my animal jumped and got scared so there was something there. 5wks i heard my aunt say when i went there she heard her singing. she used to sing to the kids and that was late also. then 7wks just a few days ago i was having a bad nite was in a robe and underwear. i bent down and i heard someone whisle at me. today a lady came over to study the bible and she told me this was not my mother this was a demon and that i needed to pray to god which i do already so. i dont no what to believe i dont no what the truth really is and will i no. i no of others whom has spoke about hearing a loved one. i belive my mother is with me and my children but this subject kinda hurt when i was told this. how many people here believe the dead is talking or if it is demons?
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363281 tn?1714899967
Believe the Bible, If they are a Christian, they are home with the Lord, they do not come back down to earth.  I too believe and have heard they are Demons, rebuke them,  don't be deceived by Satan and his wicked and hurtful lies.
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675347 tn?1365460645
Yes, there are some low levels in the next world and there is cruel trickery. But try not to dwell on that. Hold onto prayer and keep aligned with sweet truth and our Lord. Keep your Heart pure and your thoughts graceful as much as possible.

However, our loved ones have not died, they have only crossed over into a finer state. The place where they are is not a dense and heavy place (such as the levels where trickster spirits live) The place where they are is a fine level, beyond this world and its nearby environment.

They do sometimes, want to show us they still live and are well. They want to communicate their love to us, see that we are all right, show us they still love us, comfort us.

But be very careful, and only accept those things that come with prayer and with the sure sense of your loved one now in the state of Love which is graceful and fine. If it doesn't feel like them in your deepest Heart, send it away in Jesus' name.

Please don't dabble in anything like communication with those who have passed over, by ouija board or divination. Those things can side-track a Soul.

So every night before you sleep, guard yourself round with truth and prayer, and submit to our Lord's grace. Lift your heart, and refuse to be involved in any lower dimensions. God will show you what you need to know. Trust in that. Keep your heart pure with your honest love for your loved ones and grace will show you.

God bless you, and those you love, in this world and the next.

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Don't get so wrapped up on the demon issues! Love one who have passed can certainly speak to us either verbally or through thoughts in our mind. My father, mother and daughter have ALL spoken to me in these ways as well as doing things around my home that tell me they are all around me. My father told me where to find specific items that I was looking for just a couple of days after he died. At one point he told me to buy a painting that I really liked and was unsure about buying. Turned out that that print also hung in the home where my mother lived growing up in Italy and was my father's favorite painting when he dated her. He warned me about finding my daughter hooked up to wires while she was in the hospital as a little girl. I thought I was picking up my healthy little girl and bringing her home but they discovered she had a severe form of terminal heart disease. I walked into her room and she was hooked up to the wires of an EKG machine. She died a couple of days after Christmas 2016. When I had to put my Pyrenees to sleep I told her to go find my daughter; the next day, the words "Mom, I have Leara!" shot through my mind. My daughter also appeared to her father and gave him a message for me. Our family members are all around us. I too can hear my daughter calling out to me, that isn't unusual. Find peace in knowing that your family members are still around you, if you talk to them, they will often times respond.  
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My 2 month old baby boy just passed away from a severe form of a metabolic disorder.   I know he's been with me since then,  I can just feel him.   I think I saw an angel or a spirit the other day.   It was a bright orb of light that I saw floating along as I was walking with friends,  I think it was my son because I had just gotten a tattoo done for him over my heart.   We were walking from the tattoo shop to the car when I saw this clear as day.

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It was noticed 3years ago that I had an accessory spleen when I had a scan.  I was hanging up curtains on an iron pole with curtains attached. Instead of getting a step ladder I stood on my bed, lost my balance and held onto the pole and hit my chest quite a few times. It was about a week or so that I had a horrific pain under my left ribcage. Went to hospital and they did another scan to discover Accessory spleen had broken away. They asked was I in a car accident or similar. At this stage, I forgot about the curtain pole and said No. It has been left for my body to absorb the Accessory spleen. I have not felt well since I have a very sore back and weakness in my legs as well as pain intermittent pain in my ribcage. Any idea if this is all connected or what should I do?
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I  had something similar happen to me about a years ago.  I was cleaning my car Whitney I heard my mom's voice say( Whitney) my name it was clear as day I heard her. She has been gone for 9 years now. Then about a month or so after I heard her again this time she  sounded like she was far away from me. She said (Winnie) her nickname for me.  Both times I had not been thinking of death or dead people or anything in that matter. After the second time I sat down in a lawn chair kinda puzzeled like an I loosing it. What's the reason she's calling to me. I thought in my head. As I sat there my neighbor Tom Tom came turning the corner saying (Whitney your mom wants me to tell you something) I was at a lose for words. I hadn't said anything out loud. How could he had noun. She told him to tell me (the watcher)he told him I'd know what this means but I have no idea. Ive done research but can't find any thing that makes any sense.
***@**** if you or anyone that reads this could help. I'd deeply appreciate it
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Sorry about the typos keyboard was sticking
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I fully believe in Christ let me begin saying that. My daughters father was murdered one night in my sleep l heard him I don't know if it was actually him or something evil but I heard his actual voice in tone and pitch it was him. We gotta stick with God in dealing with this stuff because He's the only one that can allow us to see our loved ones again I cannot stress caution because we don't won't to give evil a vehicle through our loved ones. I know this though we loved each other and if he could speak to me he would.
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Dear caregiver222
<<>> That is ludicrous!  Did you read somewhere a timeline that they hang out here? Did your dead ones not go to Heaven?

and also to ksanden

When people die they go to Heaven because Jesus died on the cross to redeem us of our sins and open the gates of Heaven.  There is also a Hell for those who chose not to believe in the teachings of Jesus or to keep his commandments.

At the time of death, Jesus comes to get us.  That is the reason that dead people have their eyes open at the moment of death. They see Jesus, and the beatific vision is too great for the human body so the body has a heart attack. By the time the body is having a heart attack, the person is already in Heaven before that.

The devil has the power to assume pleasing shapes! Beware!  Pray for faith if you do not already have it or if it is weak.  These are the end days of the Bible!!!!  Jesus fights off the Devil if you ask Him to because He is stronger than the devil.

I have lost my family and many friends who have died.  They do not linger and they do not come back.

If you are feeling your loved one's presence it is either that you are thinking about them in your own heart at the time. Or, worse, that you are falling under the mesmerism of evil that is taking over this world because there is not enough prayer.. no other reason


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172411 tn?1287086265
ive expericened more things that happened to me and do not believe these are demons at all and this it is my mother with me. she sat next to me in bed while at a reltitives house my daughter seen her sitting there next to us and told me about this the next day i did not see her but i felt someone sit next to me. then just the other day a ballon in my living room floating threw my house all the way down the stairs to my basement where i was at stood infront of me and just floated it was amazing the things that ive seen happen. i do take comfort in this. if it was a demon why is it not doing anything bad its all stuff that i could see my mother doing. she loved me alot and im sure more than anything she makes stops to check on me to make sure im okay. its a great feeling knowing she is still with me.
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I say believe what you want to believe.  Don't let anyone tell you what is right.  If you take comfort in believing your mom is with you and these are signs of such then that is what is right for you.  I too have known the comfort of a lost loved one.  When they are there you know it is real, so take comfort in those moments but remember that it is best to move on.
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212161 tn?1599427282
Belive the Bible, once our love ones are gone they are gone.  i to belive and have heard they are Demons dont take a part of it , get rid of them
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144586 tn?1284666164
You are not talking demons. I believe there is a life after death and the dead can sometimes communicate through the veil, albeit briefly, and then only for a short time after their death. I don't tell my "voice's stories" because they identify me as a madman. but I have heard them several times. Voices of the dead. On one ocasion, I was home and awakened by a voice that gave me an order to rapidly get dressed. A command. I don't know why I did so, but it ordered me rto run across town, and get on a subway train headed to a destination where I knew nobody. I ran. And when I got to the station the voice told me to run for the train. Mind you I had no reason whatsoever to take the train, I sat down feeling foolish. Then the train began to move. At the end of the car a young woman had been caught in the closing doors. The conductor was not paying attention and the train was on a slightly curved platform. Contrary to popular belief subways can move with the doors open. The train started and she was being dragged along the platform. We were in the last motor (car). I had to push my way through the crowd to grab for the emergency air brake at the other end of the car. I dynamited the brakes just before we entered the tunnel. The train braked six inches before she would have had her body cut in two by the tunnel support. Thejn the voice said "you can go home now". And from that day on I developed a belief in God.
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That  is an illusion and it is how Satan works.  You cannot conjure up the dead.  they do not "visit" us and talk.  

that lady who came to your home to read the bible was correct.  God is truth.
You need to pray.  Illusion is the work of Satan.
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  That IS your mother visiting you!!!  Don`t let anybody convince you it is a demon!!!   We are all part of a greater energy where everything is connected to everything. When our bodies die, we go back to being a part of that great energy. If you go back to the times before King James had the priests write a Bible in his version, you would see that all the cultures in the world believed we are alll connected to everything living. I could go really deep into this but it would take a long time. But I believe with all of my being that when we die, our spirit (soul) goes back to being a part of that great energy and if you heard your mother say something to you, then that is what happened. Why wouldn`t it be her?? Why does it HAVE to be a demon??  My mom and friends visit me from time to time and I can hear them saying things. I dont always understand them, but I know it is them. It is great that you are open minded enough to be able to hear them. Many people are so close minded and brain washed by what King James said in HIS version, that they will never know until it is too late for them. Keep in mind that King James chose to leave many books and parts out of the Holy Bible. Ever wonder why??  
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I don't know what that means but after my mother passed for about 1 month someone or something would come to my bed and sat on it.I would jump up and cut the light on and wouldn't see nothing .I would go downstairs and ask my husband if he came into our bed room and sat down on our bed for a second and he said no . He was watching TV But this happened to me every night for about 1 month and i still cant explain it to this day.
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The same thing happens to me today ... And searching for a answer I found your post..
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