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Kidney Beans: OK to Eat?


Are kidney beans a good choice for people with diabetes? Get the facts here. 

Serving size: 1 cup (256 g)

Carbs: 33 g

Calories: 191

Glycemic index: 36, low

Glycemic load: 9, low

These champions of the chili bowl are a true Renaissance bean. Even though their carb count may seem high, drained canned kidney beans come packed with ample fiber (12 grams per cup!) which slows digestion — a blessing for your blood sugar. Along with all that fiber (not to mention potassium and magnesium), the 13 grams of heart-healthy lean protein in a single cup make these little legumes some magic beans, indeed. 

Quick tip: Kidney beans are surprisingly versatile. Enjoy them in soups, salads and, of course, chili.


Published on January 16, 2015.


— by Katie Lewin and Katherine Solem

Reviewed by Shira Goldenholz, MD, MPH on December 15, 2014.
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