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Top Answerers
Who are Top Answerers?
Thanks to all the members who are an integral part of the community, MedHelp has become a destination for people looking for answers to their medical questions. As the community has grown, so has the number of questions on the site. While the top community members devote time each day to helping others get answers or support in their time of need, there seem to always be more questions than answers.
In order to continue fostering a community where people can come to find support, we want to highlight our members who provide a lot of that support. Members will see an icon following the user names of the top answerers in each community based upon how many people they have helped and the quality of their answers. We hope that MedHelp will continue to be a place where people can find help and support.
What are Badges?
The icons following a user name are called Badges and represent the level of help and support provided to the community. There will be a formula that determines achievement of different levels of Badges and, in general, it may be influenced by the following factors: community response to your messages and the amount of contributions that a user makes to the forums. This ensures that the people we recognize as being the most helpful are helping as many people as possible through quality answers.