Health Chats
Eye Care: LASIK Surgery
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009, 03:00PM - 04:00PM (EST)
Dr. Omar Awad is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist who is certified in VISX, Bausch & Lomb, Alcon LADARVision, VISX CustomVue, Bausch Zyoptix and Alcon Custom Cornea.<br><br> At Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> we know your vision changes throughout your life. But the importance of caring for your eyes and maintaining your sight never goes away. With constant advances in technology, more people can now be considered excellent candidates for laser vision correction than ever before. Whether it’s the hassle and expense of glasses or contacts, health issues, or the desire to focus on what’s most important to you, you have your own unique reasons for considering laser vision correction. <br><br> Everyone’s eyes are different, and not every procedure is appropriate for everyone. Having helped a million people nationwide through this process, we at Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> have a lot of information to share with you. <br><br> If you are considering LASIK surgery, or just want to learn more about the procedure, join Omar E. Awad, MD as he answers your questions regarding laser eye surgery. You can also call one of our Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> specialists anytime at 1-866-921-2179 or visit us on the web at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. We look forward to hearing from you! <form name="signup_form2" method="post" action="/health_chats/register/16"><br/> <div class="actions float_fix"> <a onclick="return false;" id="signup_form2_submit" class="big_gr_btn" href="#"><img src="/RoR/images/blank.gif" class="btn_l_img pos_rel"/><span style="padding-top: 2px;" class="btn_r_txt pos_rel"><span class="btn_r_txt_w">Register</span></span></a> <span><input type="submit" value="signup_form_h_submit" name="commit" class="hidden_submit"/></span> <script> Event.observe(document.signup_form2, 'submit', function(e) { if (true) { $('signup_form2_submit').replace('<b>Submitting</b> <img src="/RoR/images/wait_arrows.gif">'); } else { Event.stop(e); } } ); Event.observe($('signup_form2_submit'), 'click', function(e) { if (true) { document.signup_form2.submit();$('signup_form2_submit').replace('<b>Submitting</b> <img src="/RoR/images/wait_arrows.gif">'); } }); </script> </div> </form> <br/>
Omar E. Awad, MD:
You should make sure your doctor feels you are an excellent candidate for the procedure.  Then follow your instructions and you should do great!  Patients that follow the instructions, use the drops as directed, etc, have the highest success rates.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Good luck to you!
Thank you, Dr. Awad, for taking the time to answer all these LASIK questions today. We've certainly learned a lot!
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Please visit your local LASIK Plus Vision Center answer any other questions!
Please be sure to check out the archives to read the full transcript of today's chat.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Thank you!