
Heart Disease

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Worst Foods for Hypertension

Eat More: Herbs and Spices

Eat More: Herbs and Spices

To boost the flavor of your favorite meals, you might add a few extra granules of table salt to your food. But, according to the National Institutes of Health, Americans use more salt and sodium than we actually need. The next time you feel yourself reaching for the salt shaker, add some herbs and spices to your dish instead, to bring new and interesting flavors to your palate. Try adding basil to your salad, thyme to your chicken breast, sage to your soups or oregano to your meats.

By Rachel Meltzer Warren, MS, RD. Rachel is a New York City-based nutrition writer, educator and counselor. Published February 22, 2011.
Reviewed by Joseph Sclafani, MD on April 16, 2015.