Cancer Journals
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Surgical drain

Aug 23, 2012 - 0 comments

Feel really tired.  Can't wait to have the drain removed.  Hopefully it can be removed early next week.  Have had issues with it blocking and also losing suction.  Are well and truely over it.  Are allergic to all the adhesive dressings.  Can't wait to have all those removed too.  My skin is red and itchy and driving me nuts.  Are really looking forward to having a shower and not having to worry about getting dressings wet.

I wish doctors, or anybody, would design a more practical way to drain wounds without the hassle of carrying bulky bottles around.

31 July

Jul 31, 2012 - 0 comments

I feel exhausted.  I have been second guessing my decision not to have breast reconstruction.  I feel that I made the best decision for me at the time but now I am having doubts.  I guess if I keep reminding myself of the reasons why I chose this path then that should allay some of my anxiety.

I feel frustrated with myself that I don't have the energy or motivation to do stuff.
I am going to have a considerable period where I am not allowed to do any heavy lifting, etc so it seems that I will get sufficient rest/ relaxation time then.  I just wish I could do stuff now.

I re-read my MRI report and that has left me feeling quite stressed and anxious.  Panicky and as though I am suffocating.  If I don't research the medical stuff then I feel slightly more in control.  This is what my body is telling me and it maybe isn't so important what my five-year prognosis is likely to be.

Hopefully the surgeon will get as much of the cancer as he can.