will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
My Experience - So far Journals
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Busy, Busy, Busy

Dec 12, 2012 - 0 comments

What a busy day today... Started me new job today... 9oclock start... Finished at 1.15pm met my brother from work, did a little christmas shopping, finally got home at 2pm, dropped the bags off, told the other half to get ready cause we needed to go back out (to the hospital to pick up another perscription of clomid) then walked into town got the medication, aswell as picking up some more christmas pressants, finally got home about 4.30, sat down for half an hour before my mum picked me up to take me to her friends so I could cut her hair!!!

I am physically and mentally shattered lol... I'll be sleeping well tonight!!! Hopfully tomorrow is a bit more relaxed!

Phone call recieved.

Dec 11, 2012 - 0 comments

Well I got the call back from the fertility clinic... she basically said the scan was rebooked for 2 weeks later (for 10th December) and this was to find out if there was any signs of me ovulating because when I went 2 weeks ago my follies wasnt 'ready' yet....

I also mentioned to her that I have no more Clomid, and if I could get some more incase I do have a show of AF around Christimas time etc... So I will be taking a trip to the fertility clinic to pick it up tomorrow after work.. :-)

10th December - Voicemail recieved!

Dec 11, 2012 - 0 comments

Well after leaving the fertility clinic a voice mesage on Saturday the 8th December, They finally got back to me Yesterday (10th December) unfortunatly I missed their call as I was working but they left a message saying they were fully booked for today (Tuesday 11th December) so I couldnt go for a scan, and she also said "I dont understand why we are scanning you if your due on your period" ....  Well firstly, they booked me in for a scan then, I didnt ask to be scanned then, and they didnt ask me how long my cycles were etc!!! She also said that the only available day for scanning is the 18th December (luckily im off work, but that will be pointless if im on my AF or just finished it etc..

So anyways, I try ringing them back at about half 2pm yesterday - no aswer..... I try ringing them this morning (several times) .... Still no answer.... So again, I left another message to call me back on my landline number  (cause my signal messes up on my mobile)

Fingers crossed I hear something sooon... its soooo fraustrating.... I even suggested to the other half to just stop going to these appointments and to stop trying cause its getting me down!!! grrrr

10th December Scan

Dec 11, 2012 - 0 comments

Was due to have another scan tomorrow (10th December) had to ring the fertility clinic yesterday and leave a message to tell them I cant make the appointment as I am working and theres no way I can get time off ... and to see if I can get scanned on Tuesday 11th as I have the day off then... Fingers crossed, as I also due on my period anytime now and I have no more medication