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34 week doctor appointment

Feb 16, 2010 - 3 comments

34 weeks


Doctors appointment




Back pain









wow i only had to wait like 5 minutes to get in. but i did have to wait in the room for like 15 minutes :( oh well its still better then an hour lol. heartbeats good, measuring is good. told her about the pelvic/ lower back pain i've been having and had to give a urine sample (check for infection) and she checked my cervix to make sure its not dialating. still high and hard she said. she did say that Britton is sitting very low and that i should try wearing a maternity belt for some help. says that its probably going to be painful until shes born which really *****. :( DH asked her if it was still ok for me to work, she told us it was fine as long as my cervix stays this way until 37weeks. another appointment set up for next tuesday and the week after that. :)

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having a lot of pelvic pain

Feb 15, 2010 - 0 comments



pelvic pain









was standing from 8-130 then 11 to 430.went to the movies and sat for 2 hours. now im in soo much pain im afraid to move :( sooo much pressure/pain :) pelvis hurtssss
but im 34weeks today.. woot

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hey went shopping today!

Feb 13, 2010 - 2 comments


























god i cant believe its less than 2 months til i can bring my baby girl home to her almost fully stocked room! im still watching my friends kids until tomorrow evening so me and DH took the kids to walmart to spend some money on baby Britton. we got our crib mattress, some sheets for the crib and bassinet (play yard). a little play mat thingy that should last us a while, it was only 25 bucks and i love it! DH picked out a toy butterfly for her since my theme is butterflies, and i grabbed a few gowns and some desitin, baby wipe refills and all that good stuff. we only ended up spending 130 out of 280 of our gift cards. DH is like what are we going to do with the rest of it!? i told him we should just save it for when we run out of diapers and stuff after shes born but i dont hink i convinced him lol. they get expensive, ezpecially with how many times they need to be changed during the day. i have 2 packs of newborn and 1 big box of size 1 diapers right now. i just wanted to have enough to last the first 2 weeks or so but we'll see.
we still need to go to target for a bunch of stuff (i might just end up going on my own) and i need to return to walmart (without him and the kids) to try on nursing bras and get pads and stuff for postpartum. maybe if their parents get home early enough tomorrow i will go and get them then. but u never know i might be off for 2 more days. i have a doctors appointment on tuesday and they may not schedule me for monday. woo.. i guess this weekend hasn't been soo bad. :)

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Baby Shower was today

Feb 11, 2010 - 0 comments

baby shower














babies r us



had a lot of fun. took a while to get going because everyone was late except for the ones who set up the party! my friends spent way too much work/money on the shower. we had twice as many favors as there were people, along with twice as many cupcakes lol. but my coworkers did buy me a lot of stuff. i got 2 diaper bags (2 pooh bear ones) they were from walmart so im just going to return one of them and spend the 16 bucks on something else. the hosts did a cool raffel which i made all the money on ($108). it was a movie basket and luckily her children actually won the raffel so the money on the basket wasn't wasted lol.
i went through and made a list of all the things we need for Britton before she comes, along with a list of things that could probably wait. but we have 750 bucks to spend. in gift cards to walmart, target, babies r us, and cash from the shower and from me just saving my tip money. its so exciting! and we have all the big stuff already. the biggest thing we still have to buy is a crib mattress. and if we get it at walmart then we wont have to spend more than 80 bucks. i forgot to bring my camera so i dont have any pictures, but hopefully i can get the card from their camera and get the pictures :)
