17 days late negative HPTs what is wrong with me Journals
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17 days late negative HPTs what is wrong with me

Dec 12, 2010 - 0 comments

17 days late period


negative hpts


sore breast


hypersensitive smell


frequent bm



My period is 17 days late... I have tender breast, any bad smell makes me either throw up or gauge (sp) pretty bad.  I am having 2-3 BMs a day rather than my normal 1, when it comes to sex I want it more and I am getting off before my boyfriend (which is not a bad thing but doesn’t happen…until now).  I have heartburn on and off, headaches on and off, stomach aches on and off.  I have on and off unquenchable thirst, and it seem like all I want to do is snack and I had a allergic reaction to my wine which I drink all the time....However, I have taken 3 HPTs all negative, went to my doc, peed in a cup negative, went to the OBGYN hoping for answers, peed in a cup, negative, went to the ER because of my allergic reaction to my wine... told them everything that has been going on and how I am scared and concerned, made me pee in a cup and nothing.... what is wrong with me! I am very concerned.