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EDD: 11/05/2011 Journals
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Nathaniel is Sleeping

Oct 20, 2011 - 0 comments

Nathaniel is sleeping for about 3 hours at a time now. So, this is a good thing. I get to sleep in about 2 hour stretches. Plus a little nap during the day time. :)

Weight Tracker

Adoption Process

Oct 18, 2011 - 0 comments

32 weeks 3 days

Had a Dr's appointment this morning.
Things are going well, except the dr thinks she gained a little too much weight these past 2 weeks. For a single baby, she gained 10 pounds.
He said don't diet, but keep an eye on it and try to eat a little better. She has anoth appointment next week. If she gains a lot this week, they will run a few tests, to make sure all is well and nothing is wrong.

She has gained a total of 54 pounds, so far.

Weight Tracker

My Weight Loss

Oct 17, 2011 - 0 comments

The boys are 5 weeks old now, so hopefully my weight loss will level out now.
I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight :)

With nursing, I do not want to lose too much more weight, if any. I was hoping to level out around 120 pounds. Maybe I will gain some back, after Daniel is home and I stress a little less.

Weight Tracker

Daniel is 5 Weeks Old

Oct 16, 2011 - 0 comments

He is doing so well. We were hoping that he would be home by now, but he is still having a little trouble maintaining his own body temp. During the day, I get to hold him and take him for little walks, but he still needs help at night.

He is doing great with his weight gain and eating well. He is starting to nurse a little better, while I am there.

Also, I do not have to wear the face mask anymore, when I hold him. :)

Weight Tracker