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EDD: 11/05/2011 Journals
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Nathaniel is 5 weeks old

Oct 15, 2011 - 0 comments

I am taking him outside for the first time today.
Not in public, just out in the yard to the mailbox and back. About 10 minutes or so.
I have him bundled up a little warmer than normal, so he doesn't catch a chill.
The older children are outside playing and excited for the baby to come out. They think he can go on the slide, with them. :(

Not yet!

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Daniel is 1 Month Old

Oct 11, 2011 - 0 comments

My little baby boy is already 1 month old. :)

All of my other children colored him pictures and when I went to visit him today, I got to hold him and show him all of the photos.

He is doing well. Dr thinks he will be coming home next week. :)

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Nathaniel is 1 Month Old

Oct 10, 2011 - 0 comments

I can not believe my tiny little baby is already 1 month old.
Tonight we will have a little FAMILY TIME to celerbrate.
I am so happy he is well and growing so big. :)

He is 6 pounds 4 ounces. He is 21 inches long.

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Daniel is Well

Oct 09, 2011 - 0 comments

I got to go see Daniel this afternoon and take Charlie with me. He had to wear a face mask and a gown, but got to help feed him a little.
He was happy to see his little brother and see how big he is getting.

Daniel is Well!!

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