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EDD: 11/05/2011 Journals
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I'm Home!

Sep 25, 2011 - 0 comments

I got to sleep in my own bed last night. I was up and down all night, couldn't get comfortable and kept thinking about the babies.

I went to see them today. I already miss them.

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I'm Going Home

Sep 24, 2011 - 0 comments

I got released from the hospital today, just after lunch.

I am going to miss seeing the babies as much as I do. But I will still come visit every day. Plus, I will get enjoy some time with my other children.

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Babies Are Here

Sep 23, 2011 - 0 comments

We are all doing well.

Nathaniel is up to 5 pounds 7 ounces. Drs are thinking another week and he should be released from the hospital and get to go home.
Only thing he has to do better is maintain his body temp.

Daniel is up to 4 pounds 10 ounces. Drs think he may have another couple of weeks, because he is not as strong and they want him to gain more weight. He also can not maintain his body temp by himself.

Dr is hoping to release me tomorrow around lunch time.

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Babies Are Here

Sep 21, 2011 - 0 comments

The boys are doing GREAT!
Nathaniel is at 5 pounds 5 ounces. He is up 3 ounces from his birth weight.
Daniel is at 4 pounds 9 ounces. He is also up 3 ounces from his birth weight.

They are both nursing well but they do prefer the bottle, so they drink most from a bottle.

I am sleeping more, because the nurses feed them so I can sleep, over night. If I am up, I go to the NICU, so I can feed them.
My infection is getting better with the meds. Expecting to be released this weekend.
I will miss seeing them as much as I do, but I will come to visit every day. I will enjoy seeing my other children, as I have only seen them one time since I have been in the hospital.

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