Pain tracker
Track your Back Pain
For people who suffer from back pain, whether it's lower back pain or upper back pain, it is important to keep an accurate record of pain to help doctors give you the best treatment. MedHelp's free back Pain Tracker helps users keep track of the location, frequency, intensity and type of back pain on a visual map of the body.

You can also keep a pain journal or pain diary detailing duration of pain and possible causes (triggers). Track your medications and treatments, including acetaminophen, NSAIDs, analgesics, acupuncture, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone), anticonvulsants, and trigger point injections. This information may reveal a pattern that will help you and your doctor identify a successful back pain treatment plan.
Back Pain Tracker Benefits
Record your back pain on an intuitive body map and visually indicate if it is lower back pain or upper back pain.
View a visual map of your back pain over time.
Describe your back pain in terms of throbbing, aching, stabbing, and other characteristics.
Keep a pain diary or pain journal of triggers (cause of pain), duration, and effects of medication and treatments. Track symptoms associated with chronic pain.
Track medications and treatments, including NSAIDs, analgeisc, corticosteroids, and physical therapy.
Email your pain tracker to your doctor or pain specialist.
Compare your personal pain tracker to public trackers in the Pain Tracker Gallery