will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
my bump Albums
10 weeks - feel like my belly popped!
10 weeks - feel like my belly popped!
9 weeks 2 days
9 weeks 2 days
8w6d hr=180 bpm
8w6d hr=180 bpm
8w6d - no more a FETUS!
8w6d - no more a FETUS!
8 weeks
8 weeks
7 week Heart Rate
7 week Heart Rate
7 Week measurement
7 Week measurement
7 weeks
7 weeks
AHHHHH....So beautiful!!!!
AHHHHH....So beautiful!!!!
my bean again!!!  Praise the Lord!!!
my bean again!!!  Praise the Lord!!!
my bean!!!
my bean!!!
6 weeks bloat
6 weeks bloat
5 weeks bloat
5 weeks bloat
muchhhhh better!!!
muchhhhh better!!!
Sunday PM's is on top and Tuesday AM's is on bottom...darker (but still light)
Sunday PM's is on top and Tuesday AM's is on bottom...darker (but still light)
JennaRie tried to tweak it so that y'all can see it!  Thanks, Jenna!
JennaRie tried to tweak it so that y'all can see it!  Thanks, Jenna!