"Archaeology" Creative Depictions of Tardive Dysphrenia Which is Being Documented in Me
"Archaeology" Creative Depictions of Tardive Dysphrenia Which is Being Documented in Me
Comments (3)
1310970 tn?1273631821
CRISContactResearch, May 11, 2010
Very astute art work !
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, May 11, 2010
Thanks. Its a part of tracking my clinical recovery from what they are defining as tardive dysphrenia and a way to engage myself cognitively so that neurologically I can regain functioning and also a good creative outlet in general. I always was engaged in collage work and creative activities in general and often it would be helpful to discuss them with my psychiatrist so they could further understand what was going on with me (that I might not have been aware of at the time) and now also helps them understand some criteria they are researching through seeing how it appears to me and how I can explain what's going on in my own terms. Then they further analyze it clinically. Artwork as a creative outlet for a person with a psychiatric disability can be essential. One museum I visited that had artwork specifically of this nature was the Living Museum at Creedmoor Hospital and they now have a website online that explains how they got started. I found many of the artwork there to be inspirational and it was part of what got me started with this process.
1416379 tn?1282133259
rustycag, Aug 17, 2010
like :)