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sudden severe cheek acne

Hi, I'm 25 years old and up until about three weeks ago had very little to no breakouts. When I did have them it was never more than two or three at the most, large pimples on my cheek area, at a time. People were always telling me what "beautifull skin" I had.

About a month ago I noticed a handful of smaller pimples begin to breakout on my cheeks, which turned into large, painfull spots, which are most painful at the onset. I now am breaking out all over my cheeks, but nowhere else on my face or body, with many large pimples that just won't stop.

I've tried many things to help it. My diet is and has always been very good. I am a vegetarian who eats properly to get the right protein and nutrients, drink plenty of water and stay away from junk foods, preservatives and refined sugars. I'm slim, in good shape and have a consistant skin care routine. Nothing has changed really. I haven't been using any new products or been wearing any makeup. I've been changing my pillow cases often, and hardly wear any product in my hair. I've been celebate for the last six months, so nothing has changed hormonally. I've tried applying tea tree oil, salicylic acid, and benezol peroxide. I've also tried only washing my face at night and skipping toner. Nothing is working. The pimples will reduce in size when I treat them, but only for about half a day before swelling right back up.

I know it's probably not as "severe" as many others have it, but this has been a very difficult change for me. I've never had this, and really don't know what to do. I don't want to leave my house because I feel like everyone is looking at it, and my freinds innocently comment about it when I see them anew. I know it's only in concern and curiosity, but it still really bothers me. Then I get stressed and can feel them growing even more. I already have difficulty with depression and anxiety, so this is definately not helping. Please, can someone help me or give some advice?
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I would love to know the name of the treatment you're uses now, as I'm starting to get pimples on my cheeks and not too sure why.  I am willing to try anything that may help.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi! I was wondering how your progress has been?? I am in a similar situation right now.
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I'm 22 and everything you described is me! I'm in good health and slim, I exercise very often and eat healthy and stay away from junk food and preservatives and I don't wear makeup. I also tried many products where they work for a bit but I then get more acne or they inflame again.  And i also feel ugly and embarrassed to go out since i never in my life had acne until now.  But another thing you posted is that you stress and go through depression and anxiety ... That's the problem you need to find ways to relax and stop stressing over it or other things . And try not get as mad for anything. Lately I noticed I've been getting angry over things that aren't so big. So I think that's going to be a challenge for the both of us.
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I'm 36. Around the time that I turned 35, I also moved (very stressful). For over a year now, I have been dealing with acne on my cheeks. I have tried Proactive, beauty control, Mary Kay Timewise, Mary Kay Velocity, oil cleansing method...no success. I also take myocin, 1 cap each day. Please, please, please give me some more options. I have always had digestion issues and now wonder if it is gluten related.
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I have had the same problem! I turned 22 and my skin began to break out terribly, small red bumps that often scarred. Now my skin color is uneven and blotchy (dark brown from the scars and red from all the acne). It comes and goes in waves, and some months are more severe than others but it makes me crazy. I, too, am also vegetarian (soy free) but I have anxiety/depression problems and do not sleep well. My skin was always very clear before, which is why I think this is especially stressful.

I have very sensitive skin so many treatments are ultimately too severe, my face eventually gets very dry (and then my eczema flairs up).

I recently got back on birth control, hoping it might help the acne. I also switched from a high thread count pillow to a low thread count pillow. While the quality is better on the former, it always felt oily to me no matter how often I washed it. Both of these things seem to help, but it's only been about a week. I will report back!
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Just came across this post and am thrilled to know I am not cursed. 27 F. Vegan for over 2 years. Vegetarian 1/12 years before that. Don't use any drugs and am pretty health conscious. I have been experiencing breakouts specifically along my cheekbones for about a year now. Before that my skin was clear more or less.

@ morenasian
Thank you for your post! I have started using your recommended regime 2x per day and I can already see improvements. Less breakouts and the redness has diminished a good deal. I was wondering if you rinsed after using either the lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. I rinse just very briefly after the lemon because it feels too strong to just leave on my skin and also i usually get a little in my eyes.
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