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A doctor who prescribes 900 OxyContin a month!??!!

I knew that one of the "big bosses", R, at work was on a lot of pain medication for his back.  Until yesterday I never imagined how much.  We started talking about pain meds and he said he takes 30 OxyContin a day.  On top of that he is on pure hydrocodone.  There is a pharmacy here that takes all the other stuff (tylenol, etc) out and just leaves the hydro.  He takes about 15 a day of those.  On top of that he wears a pain patch.  All this from ONE pain doctor.  His tolerance has grown and grown over the years so the doctor keeps increasing his doses.  He said the doc said he takes enough drugs in one day to kill a horse.  He saw the shocked look on my face so he actually SHOWED ME his prescription bottles!  I know my tolerance grew to crazy levels but I have finally met my match!!!  We talked for a good hour about drugs, etc.  He didn't know I'm an addict but I'm sure he has an idea now.  We were talking about how horrible withdrawals are.  I told him when I detoxed from Oxy last year I wanted to die.  He said that even when his pain isn't bad he has to constantly take the pills just to avoid withdrawals.  Another boss was listening and mentioned that he must be "high" all time time.  I explained to her that after awhile you have to take them to just be "normal".  R and I went back and forth about withdrawals, etc.  He asked me why I ever got back on them after stopping.  In all this time he never said anything about pain, so I think he realizes I was taking them for other reasons, just like I realized that with him.  I explained that the last time I stopped I tapered.  He asked me what and I did and over how long, etc.  When I said it was actually only 2 and a half weeks ago he was amazed.  He had no idea, especially since I didn't miss any work during this time.  R said he knows his back pain would probably not be as bad if he stopped the drugs because his body would start producing endorphines again, etc.  I said it would take time, but that it would.  I even told him my back actually feels better now than it did when I was taking the drugs.  It is amazing.  So he is thinking about doing the rapid detox where they put you under.  I told him about some of the risks I have read about it, but being on that much medication I might do it myself.  I guess he checked into it and it is about 11 grand and insurance doesn't cover it.

It is amazing how we are so close with people that use heavily and we have no idea.  This guy is very sucessful and you would never guess it.  I had my suspicious because I knew he was on a lot of stuff and he would ask me to track his packages because he has his pain meds sent to work.  I had no idea though.  And I know he had no idea about me.  Yet we have worked side by side for some time.  It just goes to show you that addiction doesn't discriminate.  People tend to get ideas in their head of what type of people addicts 'should' be, but it can hit anyone.

So I joked that now I know he keeps them in his briefcase I'll be in there more often... lol.  Although he did mention that towards the end of the month he keeps count of his pills so he doesn't run out.  So he jokingly warned me that he would be counting them more often now.

I wanted to tell him about the forum and what a great place it is, but even though we talked and he probably guessed, I never came out and admitted to being an addict.  Plus there is no way I would ever feel comfortable pouring my heart out on the forum if I knew he would be reading it.  It's just too personal, and not something you really want the higher up at work reading!  Especially around raise and promotion time!

Oh!  He also told me his first wife committed suicide using Vicodin.  She took two bottles of it.  I was really amazed with everything he told me.  

35 Responses
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man I feel for you.  I really have been there when it comes to getting money for pills.  Its like you have no shame.  I sold everything I have.  You can get through it man if you take it slow.  Don't look to far ahead sometimes you have to take it one minute at a time.  Man and the tumor da*m that is a sign from the lord so take this time to quit and live the rest of your life.  God is a funny dude sometimes.
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237827 tn?1189755828
I thank you for your kind reply and I will hope for the best.
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182493 tn?1348052915
Welcome I hope the site gives you the support you need to fight the evil Oxy demon that is haunting you..

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237827 tn?1189755828
You all seem like a very tight group.. I admire many of you and hope I will have a time to say I am clean. I don't want to try and crash in but I love your story's and they have given me the courage to tell you a little of mine. I know you have heard my story many times over and probably lived it as I speak. I am currently trying to taper off of Oxy's myself, I feel like my life is in all the lines I am reading. I am in awe, and admiration and I am an addict. Words I thought I would never write muchless say. I am a cancer patient but am in remission. I was being treated for migraines from an early age, I was allergic to MSG and never knew it as a child. Growing out of the headaches and them returning after the age of about 22. I had my 1st MRI at 35 and found out they I had a tumor. Unoperable. I turned to the meds I was prescribed from Ty#3 to Norco's in a period over 5 years. never taking more than I needed. After checking my tumor on a routine check they informed me it has grown and is starting dangerously to my optic nerve and I might not survive if it bursts and is malignant inside. They gave me about 1 year to live. I was not amused and sought a 2nd opinion very quickly! There was some treatment available but I was told not to expect much. Well I started in on radiation therapy and was given any prescription I wanted! Well I thought I was not gonna live, so live it up! I guess god had a different plan for me, all I know is that my tumor has shrunk and I am in good health by a doctors standard. Over the last 2 years I have been on 40mg OC's, and followed the directions. I met a friend while at the Dr. who could not afford his scripts, he is permantly disabled and had a car fall on him from a service rack. In order to help him and myself.. I paid for his scripts and received meds in return for money.... Over the long and short of it all, Somewhere in all this I have become addicted to OC's. I have tapered before when I 1st read some of your stories.( I thank all of you for having the courage to write them.)  In the last 2 years I changed over from my PC Dr. to a pain managament specialist. My insurance would pay for my scripts and I was getting them from another source so no problem right? Wrong! My daily habit 240mg's a day with 2 80's % 2 40's. needless to say I can't afford this anymore and continue feeling like I do! I am not myself and I am doing things I never would have before! I have a great family, my mother is a saint!  I took advantage of the fact she was told she might lose a son to get more pills. I think I have met a new low. I could go on for days but its nothing you haven't heard before or might again. I thank you for the oppertunity and hope to read more on how your doing. I am in the midwest and don't have the great view of the beach some of you have but it will do. I hope I have the strength to pull this off, I am hoping for the best and not looking forward to some sleepless nights. I got myself here I hope I can get myself off.
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I know, that is so crazy.  They are the 20s.  They aren't the 80s, but still an insane amount.
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oh ok.  I was going to say because when I was doing 20 80mgs a day I couldn't even picture how someone could go 800mgs more then that.
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182493 tn?1348052915
I agree... WOW.. I know of someone that takes 300 roxicodone 30mgs a month plus 200 hydrocodone and I thought that was alot.. this is probably illegal..
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222369 tn?1274474635
Was he getting 900 80mg pills? Or 20mg? If that's 900 80mg pills then that's freakin amazing. That's like getting 7200 10mg percs a month. WOW!
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I have to see my doctor every 3 months for 90 vicodin ES/month
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237505 tn?1189755828
900 thats just friggin amazing, i live in a commonwealth Virginia so im sure those lovely washington dc orginizations with three letter acronyms would swoop down like a hawk on someone in richmond doing that, but my doc gives me 90 2mg xanax + 60 .25 halcion, along with me being on 180 mg methadone, and still messing up like twice a month with the smackalack, i want to get off all this ****, the easiest will be the heroin because im not doing 2 grams a day like i used to i barely use a gram a month so i cancel that out, then start tapering the methadone which will be slow and agonizing, any tips on getting off the methadone and benzos?
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232875 tn?1196109030
I am shocked that is legal to prescribe that many per month.
Oxy is a controlled substance and I know in  most states there is a limit on how many a doctor can give each patient LEGALLY!
With my percocet I get 180 per month 6 per day.
My pharmacist  thank God will fill my script a couple days early even if the doctor has written it say for the 25 he will fill it for me on the 23rd. And if he doesn't have the full script unlike other places he will fill it with what he has then mail me the rest to the house.
But I have to go see my doctor EVERY month to get the script from him, he said that is the law with this drug he has to see you every month, I reckon its true never really looked into.
Doc gives me percocet, zanaflex, and klopin so I don't question him too much.
It took me a long time to find a doctor to give me something to help my pain I am not going to start to question the way he runs his practice.

This guy who is taking over 900 a month plus taking the other stuff I would hate to see what his liver and kidneys look like now or in a few years.
My doc does blood test to be sure my liver and kidney is doing ok.

I am shocked at the people who are addicted to these drugs, you just never know who is it could be the PTA president for all you know.
This addiction is not racis know for some its not an addiction its a way of living with the pain so please don't take it the wrong way.
I know for me its both, I am addicted to them and it helps me deal with my pain it can effect anyone.
Glad I found this board you all are a great group of people.
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Just goes to show you we never know who is doing what. I would be careful though about letting him in on your life as we know it here at this forum. It could come back to bite you in the old behind if he reads your personnel issues. I think you already knew that it sounds like.
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Is this 30 80mgs a day?  I couldn't imagine taking more then I was taking I would die.  I have literally fallen down the stairs after shooting up large amounts when my tolerance went down.  30 wow.
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233494 tn?1189755828
lucky guys with convertibles... i have a mountain byke and i thought i am very posh, ha ha
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yo man its kind of funny because I keep track of my days by keeping track of your days because my thinking has been shot so I always know I'm one day behind you.  Good luck man.
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221016 tn?1196973461
Congrats and you are doing it!!!! I am really happy for you and wish you continued success!!! Happy day #12!
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oh and I have been clean for 12 days but when I went ct off of 1600mgs I was clean for 2 months and didn't even feel close to being normal but now this is the best I have felt off of drugs in 3 years.
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Yeah I use to be in the game and thats about as much as I will say.  I lived a life of excess I was 23 years old making half a mill and over in cash money and having multiple cars, girlfriends, guns, and anything else that was bad for you.  Because of the drugs I ended up oweing 70 grand to some real a%^ dudes.  They put a hit out on me.  I use to wear a bullet proof vest in my house and have a shotgun and machine gun under my couch.  All while I was dope sic.  I finally have left that life alone but I have nothing now because the drugs took my mind body and soul.  I couldn't handle my business anymore and my connects started seeing me as unpredictable.
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I also was wondering who this dr feelgood was- although i doubt i would travel to California from Connecticut for a script

Be happy you got out as you have- i know having my eyes open now has made a huge difference
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i gotta ask- how were you supporting an $8K habit a week?
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I actually was shooting 20 80mg tabs a day.  The doctor told me that I was probably gonna od soon because I was shooting up 4 to 5 80mg tabs at a time, and it would only make me feel normal.  I also was showing symptoms of overdose like slow breathing, confusion, shaking.  I was spending 8 grand a week because I was buying them off the street.  If this guy was taking 30 80mg tabs a day that is wild.
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Wow, that is amazing.  Are you clean now?  Wouldn't ever judge you either way, I'm just really interested in your story.  8 grand a week.  WOW.  Oxy 80s were my DOC for some time...
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still cant get over that 30 number- my guess is the doctor can be a very popular guy (or gal)

As far as your liver, you are young and that certainly helps. I'm guessing (just guessing) that your genetics are good as well. I have genetics on my side and i see how it has helped at my tender age of 45

Cleaning up vicodin is very, very easy. Another thing, taking out the other stuff actually makes the hydrocodone more effective.

As for your grandmother, i love them when they are fiesty :)
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Yeah, I wondered how many people were going to this "Dr. Feelgood".  I'm not going to lie, I IMMEDIATELY knew that if I were still using I would have asked R for his information in a heartbeat so I could go to him.  

Not sure what it is or why I got lucky (so far anyway) but I'm so thankful.  But I know I can only keep testing the waters so many times before I sink.  So I better quit while I'm ahead.

She is so funny, she's almost 80 and she would probably still whoop my a$$... lol
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