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Getting OFF these Vicodins!!!

Hi...Thanks for taking the time to read this and offering me some insight on how to get off these Vicodins. I am a vicodin addict and I am taking up to 15-20 a day of the Norcos (or any I can get my hands on). I am seeing 2 different doctors. One doctor gives me 120 norcos a month...the other Doc gives me 90 norcos EVERY 2 WEEKS!! Its to the point I am no longer getting high anymore...just getting me through the day. I have been abusing these for about a year and a half now. I would stop today if I knew I wouldnt feel a bit of withdrawls if any. Im REALLY afraid of the withdrawl symtoms...or I would have already stopped. I do carry Military Insurance through my husband...and Im just wondering if I can get on that Suboxondone **spelling?** Or what is rapid detox all about and how do I go about getting into that?? I just want to make this as comfortable as possible. I already get xanax....but dont ever take them. I ran out one time, and didnt have any vics for about 18 hours, and my LEGS were soooo uncomfortable...almost like my muscles were being stretched so tight and they were just moving and moving. I couldnt sleep for nothing! I took an Abien and that didnt even help me sleep. So that was just the start of not having any...no diareeaha or vomiting...just RLS and sleeplessness. So basically, my questions are...
What kind of center can I go to so I have very little w/s if any......
what kind of meds can i take here at the house if I choose not to go to an impatient center?
How long will my w/s last?

Thanks for your help in advance.....R
8 Responses
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333612 tn?1302883390
First, if you are serious about tapering find someone you trust to dispense the pills.
Second, message 'FLaddict' for a tapering schedule and go to her profile and read. This will help you
Third,  just as in 'First' : if you are serious about tapering find someone you trust and stick with the program.

Nobody can make you quit but you.  If you taper the WD's will be so insignificant you won't really notice. It's the mental part that will get you. You have to prepare yourself mentally and really want it. Trust me...I tapered and it was fine. No physical problems. So, don't use WD's as an excuse...you will live and it won't be so bad.......Get a handle on your addiction and get a plan. Talk to us...anyone...but you have to be serious about quiting. Also, go to 'Ga Guy' profile and read.
keep posting and stay strong.
Not to downplay your pain, but it's hydros and they can be tapered much easier than other opiates (WD wise) if you are serious about it.
You can do it..just want it more than anything and it will happen.
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Hi everyone...i am writing because Im so mad at myself. I just bought 60 of the 750's today! URRR....WHY!?!?! Why cant I just say screw it and stop?? I guess Im really scared of the huge change in my life and scared to stop. What was the end for you all? What made you wake up one day and say enough was enough? I know I want and need to stop....but why cant I?? Im so mad at myself......
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Your story is almost identical to mine.  I was taking 15-20 hydros/day, went cold turkey and though it was rough, I think it's the only way to go.  Did it at home; so can you!  I lay on the couch a lot, my husband was very understanding thank God, and the worst part of it for me was the restless legs/arms/body/head!  That part didn't last too long though.  Even the craving went faster than I thought it would.  I am so happy now -- been off them for about a year and a half!  I am no longer a slave to those horrible little pills, and I no longer panic when I know I'm going to run out and I'd try to find every excuse/lie in the book to get some more!  No more lying...I hated lying anyway, but you'll do almost anything to get more and more pills.  Not worth it, I tell you!  You'll be so much happier when you finally realize you're truly free of your addiction.  And in case you're wondering, NO...I NEVER am tempted to get any more...you couldn't PAY me to take even half a one!  Best of luck; you can do it!  God bless and help you.
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THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the great advice. Reading your post replies about brought tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to have found this site, and I DO want to get off of these little demons...but I am scared. Ive become so used to my "routine" of having them and taking them its to the point of ridiculous! Does anyone know if I tapper myself off...I will still have the w.d symtoms, correct? maybe just not so severe. If Im taking 15 a day...what should I tapper down too if I go that route. Ive heard that stopping cold turkey can be fatal. Not sure how true that is. Also, where do I find the Thomas Recipe? Ive heard alot about that on here....but would like a break down on what it is.
I am SO PROUD of all of you that have kicked this habit...I really am. One day, i want to be the person posting about how MY recovery went...and help others the way you all have helped me so far.

Thanks again you all!
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225156 tn?1198893504
Hi there.  I had a 10-12 Vicodin a day habit (5/500 mg) but am now on my 7th day of sobriety after tapering for over two weeks.  I used a lot of the information from the 'Thomas Recipe' - except for the Xanax (due to the fact that I didn't want any more mind-altering drugs).  I've had 'few' if any cravings, anxiety, etc., but DID experience some 'awful feeling' withdrawal symptoms.  I managed it though and can say now that I feel 200% better than I have in a very long time - before I started the Vicodin dependency.  I'm glad to see your post - stay with us and we can help.  Commit to a tapering program (or cold turkey - which I have not done) and follow the advice found on this forum.  You've got friends right here - right along the way with you - all you need do is ask for the help and commit yourself to getting a narcotics free life. Make sense?
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271792 tn?1334979657
So you want to stop using with any pain? Good Luck.

If you put half as much time into your recovery, as you have into your using...you would be on the other side by now.

Doctor shopping will get you in trouble..big time. It WILL catch up with you.

Hun, honestly..you are going to have to put some work into getting clean..there is no magic cure. I promise good things but you have to be willing to give some things up.

If you want to try tapering, then ask. You will need someone close to you who can hold an dispense the medication. It can work if you buckle down. If you are going to go c/t..then ask how others have done it. There are some otc medications, as well as some prescription medications that will help you.

Hope to hear from you.
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You will get some good advice on this site...just hang in there. My personal experience is close to yours - years of 15+ #10 hydro's daily.......I quit modified ct - although I would have done a taper plan if I had found this site earlier....don't have insurance either. I am uneasy about the rapid detox from what i know - sounds like quite a shock to the system to me...Many folks here swear by the suboxone route - but I don't have any experience there myself....I did the methadone from a clinic for awhile - but they weren't aggressive enough and i was too impatient. It didn't work out. If you do it yourself - I had about 9-12 days of "discomfort" the first few felt like death..Use immodium for loose stools...use benadryl for sleep (up to 100mg) Use ibuprofen for aches & pains..Maybe some benzo's (valium,lorazepam,zanax...) used juduciously...take a walk, ride a bike, read a book, watch a comedy movie.....stay busy as possible...yogurt smoothy shakes helped my stomach.....goood luck no matter which route you take
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347379 tn?1201220913
Hi you have come to the right place for advice!  I was going to start suboxone but it was just to expensive.........Insurance would not pay.  I decided to start tappering.  I was taking about 60mgs a day of hydr's now Im down to 15 mgs a day after about 2wks.  Very mimimal withdraw symtoms. You sound like your really ready to quit!  You do have several options.  You just have to do whats best for you.  If you have a support system at home I would start there.  I started by telling all of my friends....Mom to.  Then I went to the doc and told him I wanted to stop.....He gave me enough pills to start the tapper process.  Glad your here!  You will feel better believe me!
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