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Definition of Addiction and passivity as an addiction?


I've got two questions for you;

First of is there a generally approved definition of 'addiction'? I've tried to find one but it seems that the definitions vary widely from source to source.

The second one is tougher; can one classify passivity, if taken to an extreme, as an addiction?

By passivity I mean what, for example, unemployed people can suffer from. After loosing their job (and purpose, status etc) some people are prone to sink into a pathological passivity where they no longer seen to be able to act purposefully or care about what happens to them. Instead they spend all their time doing passive, non threatening, non self-actualizing activities, like watching television/ spending time on the internet/in the mall/staring at the ceiling.
After a while this lifestyle become so dominant that the person can no longer break the pattern, even should they realize the negative impact their lifestyle has upon themselves. This, from my point of view, constitutes a major part of addiction, to be unable to break a habit.
In addition to that, people who suffer from passivity (perhaps complacency would be a better term) can show
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Thank you ! Best wishes... hope you are having a good day. Love, Brighty
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Yes,but do not over do it.I have heard of people using more than two of the strongest strenght patches,without any side effects, other than they lost their desire to smoke and did not whow what to do wth their hands when in public.
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The Nicotine patches,supplying equavalent blood levels of Nicotine definately stop the Biochemical induced Craving,However VERY high doses will be required because when you inhale the smoke you get sudden high blood levels that subside over about 20 mins to your baseline level,that higher level is not achieved by the patches.
Their is also the psychological HABIT aspect to deal with,my Mother smoked 90 per day for 20 years,she quite because she got lung cancer,after recovering she used Nicotine chewing gum as this helps with the nicotine dependence and substitutes for the Habit aspect involving Oral reward mechanisms akin to a baby sucking its thumb or people who compulsively chew their fingernails,she now chews Normal(no nicotine) chewing gum compusively and when stressed will immediately reach for her chewing gum,I think this is a fascinating and revealing example of the insidious nature of Nicotine/SMOKING Addiction?!.
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Thank you for a good understandable explanation !! Would using double patches help ?? Thanks.
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I don't think I alluded to laziness anywhere, did I ? ??

On Nicotine.. do you have a thought on this type of addiction ? What if cigarettes were banned but nicotine were over the counter and cheap ?? My husband smokes for 30 years now and frankly I don't care how he gets the nicotine but I am horrified that he will continue to damage his health with the combustion of tobacco. He says the nicotine patch does not deliver the same way ...and since many agree that nicotine addiction is far harded to heal than opiate addiction I am wondering what you think ??? Basically, how can we free this socitey of smoking ? How can one indivudual combat nicotine addiciton... or maybe jsut tobacco use ?? Thanks for your thoughts. Love, Brighty
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HVMA M.D.-SA;It hinges on the definition of addiction and apparently Psychoactive substances have their own ADDICTION-"Word"?definition,even beyond drugs in general,for example Nicotine is not considered psychoactive and nobody "Denies" that their ADDICTION to it is because it is a drug.
Our societies do not condone the use of plants/extracts/synthetic chemicals for the purpose of altering ones true feelings about themselves and their reality(environment).It is for this reason that I pass a motion to have Alcohol listed as a Schedule 1 drug along with tobacco.
Until such time no respect shall be endowed upon those that purport to uphold the DRUG LAWS of our lands(DEA),no forgiveness of Hypocrisy shall be honoured againced our LAW MAKERS(politicians).And may the millions of DEAD victims of these times of ingnorance REST IN PEACE.
Oh and by the way,well read between the lines Brighty.
I was thinking Amotivational Syndrome(AS) sounds better than Lazy,I would hate to get diagnosed by a Psychiatrist as "Lazy".
Clue,Cannabis causes (AS).Loss of short term memory could mimic ADHD,depressive/anxiety as OCD,poss borderline personality disorder as prerequisite to self med
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Hi there. I have never heard of your conditon referred to as an addiction... generally, even in the loosest sense of the word, it means that something calls to you and you can't say no. I think it's the degree of involvement and preoccupation combined with a deterioration of other aspects of life that would determine if something is an addiction... even then a differentiation would have to be made if it were something different than a compulsion. All language must have symbols(words) that define those things that are similar but have marked differences. I don't think it matters what your condition is "called"... to me it's a condition .... and unlike addiction as we know it,you are not enslaved or dysfunctional by something you are doing... it's what you are NOT doing that's the problem.. you are not living what would appear to most people as a fulfilling life. And what matters is that you are seeking help which indicates ( to me anyway) that you don't feel it's a fulfilling life. I applaud you that you are seeking answers. I may be wrong but it may be you need deep therapy... and I bet you will be very successful in finding the cause of your problem... and do not rule out medical help.... we are biochemical and bioelectrical beings. It could be imbalanced brain chemistry, a pituitary or endocrine problem, or a deep psychological problem. I am not suggesting you have a problem but you seem to want to change,so I think you need to keep seeking. Spiritual development ( similar to 12 step programs.. though not limited to) may be something you would want to look into also. I am not a doctor or a counselor but I have tried hard to figure out what has been wrong in my life and my family that so many things cause unhappiness and orientation away from true life seeking direction. I do not have the answers but I do try to find them. I wish you success in doing that for yourself.  Love, Brighty
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The purpose of words like addiction and passive are to communicate,and when you label a word with an emotion it becomes subjective.
To use the words as structures to manipulate or control is useful also in an objective sense.in the case of defining addiction it utilizes both constructs and becomes a tool,in this case to substantiate the prohibition of euphorigenic substances,a means to an ends and a way of subverting humans to materialism.
In the case of a Hoarder(psychiatric disorder,a type of addiction)you could say they are addicted to collected materials,if it does not harm them or society why bother with the diagnosis(its not labeled yet)
Anyway its 2001 now and the powers that be do not want people creating a chemical lifestyle,you must not be PASSIVE you must contibute to society,you take from it, you should give back to it. Drugs that produce euphoria abolish drive mediated behaviour,they produce tolerance and dependence(physical and psychological)and the word addiction could possibly be left out of the equation except as mentioned it is an emotionally labelled word,with negative connotations.I do not think anybody has realized just how far of the track all humans have become,and only an ignorant person would opinionate to suggest their is a track.The DSM3rdED may define addiction for Psychiatrists to utilize,but who taught them what they know or believe
If you can live without drug addiction you are doing well,if not you should not be made to suffer even more by labelling,we all want to feel good right,so first we must do good.I try.But basically I am a passivist.I found materialism to be just to addictive and chemicals the same,so somewhere I thing a "Track" a middle path exsists.
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examine the term passive aggressive, and then come back to your original question.
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hello everyone,please forgive me for not being updated,I have been consumed with myself and my son's injury (he is getting better)I will try to go back and read the threads to try to piece it all together,first,tom,I'm sorry to hear that you will not be posting anymore,and from what little I have read so far,I'm gathering that you have decided to stop using and go on a tapering schedule,I wish you the best!I will miss reading your posts. Mariah, CONGRATS! I'm so thrilled to hear about that baby boy and that all is well!can someone please tell me when the way you 'comment' changed and why? I registered, but I didn't read when and why they decided to do this.I hope all the regulars stay
(there are to many for me to list,you know who you are)peace to all,have a great day!
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You hit the nail on the head there. It is in a large part about me. I've been a complacency addict for about 8 years, doing pretty much nothing but watching TV and playing computer games. I'm not compleately 'clean' yet but I'm no longer lying to family and friends in order to cheat them out of enough money to live for another month and I've managed to get to a stage where I can live a pretty normal life (even though I still waste more time than I would like to).

I wrote and article about this (yepp, in first person) and got it published in the local newspaper. I recieved a surprisingly large response from people recognizing themselves. This made me think that I'm not alone, or even in a minority. Therefore I ask why there is no help available for people who can not 'activate themselves'?

When I was at my worst (and believe me it was bad, I'd have to brush my feet so I didn't drag to much dirt into my bed and I pretty much withdrew from the world) I tried to get help. I wasn't ready to talk to my family about it (I have since and that was my smartest move I've ever done, they've helped me more by being there for me than a whole army of shrinks) so I sought professional help. Not having the financial means to hire a private councilor I had to do with one provided by the state. After three months of waiting I got to se a psychologist and his contribution to my wellbeing was to ask me wheter I intended to commit suicide, which I didn't, and tell me to come back in a month if I didn't feel better. I do understand that the hospital is short on resources and it's staff overworked but I thought that they'd at least be able to point me in the direction of a support group. But no go, I had to drag myself without help (well, ok, this was what drove me to seek my familys help so indirectly not getting help helped me out).

Going back to the original question, would it be possible to view passivity as an addiction and treat it by similar means? After all, gambling addiction has become recognized and people suffering from it can get help so why not passivity?
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Well, my friend, you were one of the bright spots of my days here on this forum! I will miss you but I respect your need to take care of yourself.  Recovery is about making certain decisions and growing and not getting stagnant by being in a rut.

You will do well and emerge from all this misery of addiction to help us again!  J.B.
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....Very sorry to hear you will not be posting.  We look forward to your in-put.  Please rethink your decision.  Think about this: will you stop speaking or visiting w/ friends in person, because they have offered you their support and advice; and vise versa. I don't think so.  Hope to see you interact on this forum again.  We all need each other, no matter what problems we may have. You cant possibly know the people you have helped.  Im sure there are many.
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Thanks, Chad, I've added your address to my address book and look forward to corresponding. You may send anything you like to ***@**** and "he" will see to it I get the message.

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Just a note to all... please be assured that we value your privacy and we do NOT give out any registration data (your real name, email addres, etc.) to ANYONE!

Cindy and I don't don't like be spammed any more than you do. What we ARE trying to do is prevent people from spamming our forums and people posting inappropriate information.

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Tom, you can e-mail me at ***@**** if you want to talk.  I too am confidential about e-mails and real names.  I respect your decision and may find happiness one day.  I hope you write so we can talk if you need to.  You have been a great help to all and I wish you a warm and happy recovery.  Take Care Brutha
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Tom, please read your email!   Sorry to interupt the thread everyone!   Take care, Maryanne
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Thank you for your honesty.  The honesty to all of us but more importantly the honesty to yourself.  Without that we cannot move forward.  This is a monstrous disease.  It does disastrous things to us.  You are right, the focus needs to be on yourself.  You are not a fraud....you are an addict helping other addicts.  But now it's time to help yourself.  You have earned respect my friend for such heartfelt openness.  Take care and good luck.      Cindi
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I am posting this by the request of "tom" who has elected not to register his home e-mail name and address with this forum for reasons of confidentially. It is the following:

"Like Brian, I fear I have been using this forum as a substitute for working a real program. The only short term solution I can see is to at least temporarily resign from the forum until I feel I have established a real-world program of meetings and sponsors. Every weekend and weeknight I spend online is simply another night I could be attending a meeting, which I desperately need to do.  I have already strayed from my tapering schedule and realize that I am powerless to accomplish any of this alone.

If anyone in the Laguna Beach area of South Orange County, California reads this, and knows of some solid AA and NA meetings I could be attending in the area, including daytime meetings for the next few weeks (before I begin a new full time job sometime after the 20th), please contact me at this forum, which I will still monitor but not participate in, or by e-mail at:
***@**** with meeting times, addresses and possible sponsors. I am a married man, heterosexual, but am not homophobic (an issue that crops up here in Laguna Beach, I'm sorry to say), so don't let that influence your suggestions. However, there are AA/NA meetings heavily oriented to the needs of the gay community, and properly so, so those particular meetings might not be the ones I should initially be establishing myself in. Some of my best friends are members of the gay community, so please don't misinterpret my comments in this regard.

I thank all of you, J.B., Partrice, Brian, Charlie, Mariah, Chad, Brighty, Tara, Maryanne (I think), Joe, Annie, Dan --- I know I'm forgetting a bunch of  other important people - please forgive me if I've left out your name, you certainly know who you are - and who you aren't - but I really don't think I have any genuine value to contribute to the forum simply because I'm not doing the steps or any if the things I'm so glib about mentioning to others in trouble. I am a fraud and I know it. I will return when I think I have any "credentials" to dispense advice.

Until then, I will read the posts since I genuinely care about the welfare of all of you, especially those such as J.B. who is on a liver donor list while his dear wife battles cancer. I want you all to recovery from this disease of ours but I'm not the person for anyone to be looking to for answers, since I have failed so miserably in helping my own situation. I love you all. Live long a prosper,


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I think your discource would have more impact if you were to re-write it in the first person, as it obviously was meant to be.

It's annoying to be confronted with hypotheticals when everyone knows your's talking about your self.

Revise it accordingly and then we'll discuss it.

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