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medical advice/contributions

i thought i saw a post from dr. steve in reference to donations.  i was surprised to see his name, since they said he wouldn't be back.  do you think if we all try to give even just a little money, that we could get a dr. back here?  not to bash dr. steve, but he never really gave very in-depth answers, and he mostly said to seek medical attention from your dr. i guess everyone is afraid of liability or something.

i remember running across another medical help forum somewhere in my online travels, and i wish so much that i could think of its name. please, if anyone knows of it could you let me know?  i really feel that although this is a WONDERFUL place, most of us are not drs/nurses, and professional advice would be so helpful (to me).

i would definitely make regular/maybe quarterly donations to a place that had a dr. overseeing it and answering questions more fully...do you think the people who run this board would be willing to look into finding someone if we all pitched in what we could?  it would be too bad if they had to make this board cost something for everyone - some people just pop in and out and i don't think they should have to pay, but many of us (like me) come here every day.  i have no idea what to contribute...does anyone have a number in mind - i'd just like to know what you guys think would be appropriate.

thanks all:)
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Hi there Darkside!

I dont mean to sound so full of myself however, would like to vent a little myself regarding your post.  I want to say that although the docs prescribed the narcotics to us addicts, they surely didnt force us to come back and keep taking them.  We are all the same in some of the things we did to acquire them.  Gee, how I remember clearly how addicts make up so many "unique" and very fake illnesses and ailments to get their drug of choice.  The drug Oxycontin is a very strong drug and should only be prescribed for the patient in extreme pain.  Pain is different for all of us and is treated in different ways of RXing.  I differ with you on your opinion of the doctor being at fault here and simply cannot let my opinion rest.  While doctors do get compensated (not monetarily) for their prescribing of certain drugs, they are also being monitored by the DEA.  We must realize that WE did this to ourselves.  Not the doctor, not the pharmacist and surely not the medication if we TAKE IT AS PRESCRIBED AND STOP WHEN THE PAIN IS GONE.  This medication Oxycontin is a wonderful drug and should be taken as prescribed.  If taken as prescribed, one would not have the high associated with the high one gets while chewing, snorting, shooting, etc.  Please, rethink what you have posted here as most of the addicts here will admit that their taking is solely the responsibility of their own.  This is just my opinion and we all know how that goes...  AIMEE
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Hi, I just popped in here during my withdrawling from oxycontin,100 mgs a day for 5 yrs, also taken roxicondone 5mg 60, I stopped my oxy's down to 2 aday (two 20mg aday) for a period of 5 days , then went to one 20mg a day for with 6 5mg of roxi's with 20 0f oxy's for 3 days then 15 5mg roxicondone's, for 3 days , then 6 5mg, roxi for 2 days , I was given 4 5mg methadone, and took 2 , 5 mg tabs of meth  early morning ,when the Darkside came for me , and did that same dose,the next same darkside momentnext night ,sleeped 3 hrs woke up early feeling good and went to sleep another 2.5 hrs and woke up pretty good alittle flu type feeling, but only after smoking NORTHENLIGHTS ,(good smoke)and hope that my days are coming where I grab my addiction and kick its royal ass out of here, sorry for venting there but NO,NO,NO I will not pay for a DR to Monitor places like this we are more informative than those Idiots who got us addicted, you and me are like there lab rats,who when tell oxycontin are safe and all that bullshit, when I told him no more percocets,(sorry folks).Thats what they want more money from us,they all get kickbacks from the big pharmacutical companys the more they write the more they get . getting thru withdrawl can be done cold turkey Im doing it , lets get together and sue these DR's who need to be taught a lesson in life, and get them back in control,contact me back @ naval_hawk @msn.com ,we can get off this **** and go on a Fuckin Cruise together, with all who helped us during our worst times and celebrate breaking free on our lawsuit money,Ha,HA,HA, again this helped getting my frustrations out and good luck to all who read Peace ,and God Bless America, and by the way when your cramping up try some minor exercise go for a walk get those endorphins in your brain to recognize things again and you will start feeling better I promise. Im not over yet I took tonight off from work and will try nothing for pills tonight for first time wish me luck!

Peace The Darkside CT
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I have to have another UA today! I have not used now in almost 24 hours...I also can take the test in the PM. I do have support, I have a group I will be meeting with soon, Dr.'s, MD's, pharmacists etc. I will then be calling my case worker and be proactive in telling him. I have not signed any official contract as of today but I will! I did the test because my wife wanted me too...she thought I was done using but I found a stash of stuff and took it.  Thanks for all your love and support.
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By now you've read the previous posts.
The Vicodin will show in your UA.  Years, and years, and years ago, when I was being followed by the Board of Nursing, Darvocet would show up in my urine for *a week* after using.
70 mg. is a pretty hefty dose.
I'm so sorry, and I know you're scared to death.  
Have you gotten *any* help, support systems, or were you trying to do it alone?
Come here more often, every day, several times a day.  You don't *have* to do this alone.  You're *not* a horrible, bad, wicked, gutter slime.  You're an addict and so am I, and it SUCKS!!!, but, there you go.  
Please, come here more often, tell us what's going on *before* you have a UA.

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it will probably show unless you used a mask.  then you have to take it within hours of your test.  i've used diuretics and it still showed up.  sorry for the bad news.
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How wffective ar Urine analysis' for detecting Vicodin?

I used in the am, and 8 hours later I had a UA...Will it show up?
I drank a large quantity of water, will tihs flush it out?
I took about70mgs.
Dr. X
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The most common test used to detect drugs in urine is an imunoassy technic meaning that the urine is tested for antibodies. The body see the drug as a poison and attempts to filter it using the liver and kidneys. A reagent is added to the urine and these antibodies are detected and counted. If the test is performed correctly it is extremely accurate. Attempting to drink large amounts of fluids to dilute the sample can also be determined by the lab tech. The test will show that you are taking an opiate. The lab tech can then do another test to determine exactly what opiate you have taken over the last 72 hours or so. Hydrocodone (Vicodin) is detectable in the urine after approx. 3 hours and the antibodies will be present for approx. 72 hours. The products like golden seal etc. that are sold on the internet are all bunk. If you read the instructions they say to drink 48 oz. Of water before the test. They are trying dilute the sample, but this works only if you do the test when your urine is diluted in your bladder and if the lab tech neglects to test the specific gravity and creatinie level of the sample.  Sorry but the only way to not show positive is to quit the drug at least 72 hours prior to the test.
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i know what you mean about having to take more and more meds to counteract the effects of the original ones you were taking....it seems to be a vicious circle. i did a little digging around, because i was curious about opiates and low testosterone levels - my friend has been trying conceive, and her husband takes pain meds (he never is "in the mood") - i found a bunch of info indicating that opiates wreak havoc on your drive and testosterone levels.

i tried to copy a link to put here for you but was unable.  i don't know enough about it to go into any detail, so maybe you could look around the net...you would probably be surprised how much info on the subject is out there. good luck:)
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First I need to apologize for posting incorrectly. After reviewing this page I believe I should have started another post and not just jump on the bottom of this one. The name is indeed
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I used the question mark because I wasn't sure if that was your name. Anyway, I'm a little confused. I understand the being tired, your body is used to the opiates and when you detox you can barely move, so that is very much something we have all experienced. What I don't get is why your doctor is prescribing you androgel. Does he know about your drug habit? or did he just suggest the androgel to get you going. Androgel is much like any other Andro supplement you can purchase in GNC and or other supplement/vitamin stores. Its a "legal" testosterone (sp) boost. if you plan on staying on it for a long period of time you should buy an anti-estrogen, something like "M" made by sci-fit. There are plenty of others, either way you should take one because your estrogen level will rise, not a huge issue, but it helps your body along the process. So, I guess my question is why your doctor suggested this? I hope your doing well, it sounds like it.

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I have a question that my doctor could not answer but I think I may find some information here. After 4 years of opiate use for chronic pain I was feeling tired and had little or no energy! Sound familiar to any one? Well after complaining of these symptoms at several visits to my doctor he did a blood work up and found that my testosterone level was very low! He prescribed something called
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Well I for one was having an overly sensitive day the other day. Sometimes I think too much. Blessings to all, IR.
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Well I'm back again...couldn't resist the temptation after I downloaded some family pictures.  It's so easy to get involved here, especially when we are already addictive people!

There should be no shame in this forum...really.  I've apologized many times here to folks I've offended.  I can be an ******* anywhere and so can you! Mostly, I try to be nice like the way my Mommy raised me to be.

I hate the bad days when people can't even look me in the eye because of my attitude.  I relish the times when I've been good and interact civily with all I encounter.  Good days, bad days, but nonetheless..."my days". Thank God I've never lost my conscience and have the ability to try and get better day by day. Patience is truly a virtue, isn't it?


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Yesterday was mothers day,and i spent my day watching my just 4 year old play,shes getting so big,sometimes its hard to remember thats she's still a baby-this is a cause of many fights between myself and her father,like all parents fight-he holds her more acountable for her actions then I ,Looking at her you see and hear a small person,smart with her mind,making leaps of logic  which are too cute and sometime quite mature,but then You remember really ,its only been a very short time of her world and self awareness,so shes still testing her world and emoitions.Shes always been a very sweet child,no real terriable twos,so its quite a shock now when she loses control and gets angry.Watching her have her tantrams,you can see a flood of emoitions flow across her face and what always catches me is her fear,Shes mad and upset but then a point comes when she seems to relize that she doesnt know how to turn off begin mad,and she gets frightened,which just makes it harder to regain control. And I know that feeling way too well.Its my greatest fear too.Its easy to love and accept someone when everything is good,controled and predictable-but easy to panic when you see someone else lose it,I worry that If i ever let someone(even those on this forum ) see the real me,they will turn their back,saying I should have better control and its my own responablitiy(Which I know it is)But the trouble is i dont know how to control the highs and lows and fears and unless i can find a safe place to learn,i never will.I hope to teach my child this skill now,but I wasnt taught it so I also am learning at the same time.ANghts is right ,this should be a safe place,begin alike in so many ways,we all have a certain common ground of fears and know what can and will terrify each other.Not begin heard,and judged for our shortcomings(which we are all very self aware of)are hot spots for alot of us and up until recently we would all just self medicate the pain away,but we dont now and were all searching for new ways to cope with some of the most inteance human feelings you can have,of security and acceptance even when we are begin the real us,and its hard ,and very very scary and like a four year old we puff up with false barvado and anger to protect ourselfs.I have read that when you are drunk and wasted you do not experance any emotional growth,and so some of us are quite new at this,these feelings and need some time to learn how to manage and control,but mostly I think and hope that like I do with emily,I can get some understanding,and encouragement and even forgiveness as I grow ,because its hard enough to be 4 or 37 when your just learning how to take those baby steps into a healthy,happy and loving world.No more then any of us would punish or ridicule a child for attempting to learn or grow,should we do the same to each other.I found great peace and comfort here on this forum and i pray that anyone\everyone who is looking for the way will get the comfort Ive gotten>They say you cant pick your family,its just a luck of the draw,in someways people here are more family(We do share the gentic link of addiction )and even though sometime someone here can make me laugh,cry or scream,you have also allowed me to live and feel these feelings which I think is better then begin numb anymore.    laura   today I am a grateful addict
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Heya, Kip-

I got back late last night... How bout you? Did you go to that "Cowtown" 90 miles north yesterday? I'll be working for the election office today and tomorrow for Tuesday's primary, so I'll be a little scarce until Wednesday.....

Hope all is well for everyone out there!
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Groovy did not deserve my bashing.  I am writing to apologize.  I was only thinking of my feelings.  That was awfully selfish.  I am always preaching the whole of the forum is better than any one person alone.  I was not practicing what I preach.  Please groovy and all, forgive me.  I want to be helpful and be helped by this forum.  I have been in the past.  Tracy, skipper, hippy, meagain, rowanshyne, irishrose and hinkster, and groovy and Mr. Michael have all been good to me.  I had no right to do what I did.  I messed up.  And I'm asking for forgiveness.
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I don't blame you for feeling the way you do about this forum. I've been staying away for a couple of months myself. Like you've said many times, "it's better to avoid a problem than to deal with it".  This forum is not that significant a part of my life, anyway. It was a big help once upon a time when I was really hurting. I'd like to think that I'm pretty stable these days and wish to stay this way.

I'll check in from time to time whenever I can spare the time.  Hope you do the same!


P.S. To the one who writes in capital letters...what's that all about?  Many people don't read posts that are all caps as it makes you look like your words are etched in stone and better than anybody else's.
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Hey, Skip!

Thanks for asking about Minnesota... It's almost 12:30 on Sunday, and we're getting ready to leave. It's about a 7 hour drive back to where I live... (Oh, You know that..) Anyway, I'll be back sometime after 8:00 or so. She's checked in, and not to thrilled to be there [Hazelden] right now, as she feels like a "Failure." but as my dad told her this morning, better to have a LIVE morphine-addicted sister, than a DEAD, clean one... HAhaha. That put a smile on her face! They allow the occasional vistors, so we'll be visiting her pretty regularly after she's got at least a week behind her. Cheers for now,


P.S. All you mothers out there:

HAVE A GREAT MOTHER'S DAY! you guys deserve it!
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Besides one recent time I received a few unwarranted shots in another thread, I know I do not have a track record of arguing with anyone.  I made two statements in this thread that were aimed at noone in a flaming way.  I responded in the one thread because my name was mentioned.  Someone agreed with what I said, so what?  There are a few old timers that still come here from time to time, but I know a lot of people have left because of the negativity that does tend to happen here quite often.  If this is a forum about recovery, the negativity is going to achieve the opposite effect.  And, I feel that me being asked to not respond to certain posts is completely wrong.  And, I was asked that.  What is this, a country club where only certain people can post?  And groovy, you did take a barrage of **** from people other than me.  And you didn't deserve it.  I just stated my opinion on the subject and you took it personally.  It was not directed at you, it was directed at the subject.  I just offered my opinion about the answers that the doc has given in his past posts.  I, or noone else, should have to walk on eggshells afraid to agree with someone or have someone agreee with them.  Also, noone should have to take personal shots.  That was wrong and I feel that Groovy didn't warrant that.  People will have their own take on certain subjects and that is what a message board is all about.
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For the Mother's out there or Dad's doing the Mom thing,  Happy Mother's Day.  Let us cherish our children.   With many of my health problems, Isabel is a wonder child.  Good wishes.  Ava
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Today is new and beautiful here if not too hot.  I just want to apologize for the negative connotation I put into the original post.  I view the whole of the forum greater than any one person here.  I still agree that an addict helping another addict is trufully the best around.  But if we have those medical problems, asking for help, then maybe we need a professional to help us out.  I will make a donation.  Groovy, we all get tired and frustrated, I apologize for the sarcasm.  The forum is far better having both of us agreeing to disagree.  No malice from me to you.  You 've been here longer than I.  Experience counts for a lot.   Peace, Ava
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