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Dry Scaly Skin

I have dry scaly patched on the palms of my hands (can peel the skin). They get so dry that my skin cracks open so I have huge cuts everywhere. Sometimes its itchy and sometimes they burn. I have no clue what it could be. I was first told it was eczema and then was told it was an allergy to cleaning products. I was told it was not eczema b/c it is only on the palms of my hands. I've been wearing gloves when cleaning and it still wont go away. Need help I've been dealing with this for about 3 mos. Thanks!
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It kinda does sound like eczema to me, I used to get the same dry patches of skin with cuts that itched and burned on the sides of my pointer fingers and I went to the doctor and he perscribed me some medicine for eczema, since then I havent had an issue.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, this seems to be a form of allergy. The allergen can be in the form of hot water bathing (temperature factor), low humidity environments, xerosis (dry skin), overheating of skin, and exposure to solvents and detergents.

Avoiding these situations is helpful for acute flares as well as for long-term management.

In such condition maintenance of adequate hydration of the skin is quite important. Which includes thick creams (eg, Eucerin, Cetaphil, Nutraderm), which have a low water content, or ointments (eg, petroleum jelly, Aquaphor, Petrolatum), which have zero water content, are better.

Along with above measure use of anti histamines and corticosteroids will help to reduce itching (if present) of the skin as well as rash.

I suggest you to consult dermatologist. Take care and regards.
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This sounds like my daughter's eczema, only hers is on her finger tips then spreads to her palm.  I suggest that you see a doctor for prescription eczema medicine.  It usually clears her hands up in a few days if we catch it early and are faithful with applying the cream.  It takes longer if we let it get out of control.  

What kind of soap and hand lotion do you use?  I would recommend that you go as fragrance free as possible.  Fragrances are very irritating to many people's skin.  My daughter's dermatologist recommended Amlactin for her.  There are several OTC lotions that are good for eczema.  You may want to discus it with your pharmacist.

Take care, and I pray that you can get that under control.  
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Well you should not be peeling those skin off. You can try applying a cocoa butter lotion. I know it sound funny but the butter in cocoa chocolates are the best moisturizers.
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