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AM cough

I don't smoke never did but my sinuses are often congested, more in the morning. It feels like I get excessive drainage and must cough-up phlem every, or most mornings to get my day started. What is it that might cause me to get congested at night and then have it drain and cause all this coughing in the morning? A Dr. put the little camera up my nose and down my throat she said she saw nothing abnormal but I had acid reflux take a OTC med don't eat before bed or drink alchol 3 hrs before bed as well.  My singing voice has changed (can't hit high notes as high) I'm 47 yr old male over weight and under exercised

2 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
ditto. same here. a morning without coughing - must not be morning.
was getting to think I was allergic to my toothpaste - ha!
Are you on any Blood Pressure meds? that can cause cough you describe.
I have been using a Hepa Room filter at night and that seems to help a lot!
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The symptoms you describe need to be investigated further to rule out sinusitis or asthma. Do you have any breathlessnes or wheeze?

Has a CT scan of the sinuses and a chest xray been done?

Are you on any medications currently?

You should try steam inhalation and warm saline or betadiene gargles daily. Also breathing exercises should help. You could also try saline nasal drops three to four times daily.

Consult an allergy specialist for a proper clinical examination and to get the relevant investigations done.

You would probably need to take steroid nasal sprays and a course of antibiotics on the prescription of your specialist - once the diagnosis is confirmed.

Let us know if you have any doubts.

Keep us posted about your reports and what your doctor advises.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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