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Air Conditioner Nightmare

I have significant allergies to dust and mold, which I've taken shots for over many years. When spring hits and I turn window ac on, after a few weeks my eyelids get really puffy. This seems like a dust allergy, and I end up buying a new ac every couple of years and for some reason the symptoms go away. But it's costly! This year, same thing again, bought a new ac, but still have swollen eyelids. My bedroom has no carpet but I am losing my mind. Can anyone help with thoughts or suggestions?
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Hi Kayakgirl2626,

You are very welcome. Glad to hear that you are going to call your doctor and that you will be purchasing a pillow encasement. I bought one myself a few months ago as well as a new pillow. I have noticed a good difference.
I wish you well.  Eve
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612551 tn?1450022175
As new A/C seemed to fix the problem in the past and you have an allergy to mold, make sure not only to clean but that the condensed water that develops by the A/C (that lowers the humidity) is draining away.  Some A/C throw the water back on the outside coils to help cooling efficiency.  

Hope your doctor has something ot offer.
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Hi Eve,
Thanks for responding. I have cleaned air filters, still no better so went and bought a new one, still no better. I have encasements on all bedding except my pillow, which I will get today. I have no carpets or drapes either. I have been taking shots for dust for years-I'm wondering why I still get no relief. I am going to call Dr. today. Thanks again.
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Hello there,

This may sound obvious, but it is really important to clean your air conditioner. As far as I know , most air conditioners  have a filter type screen that you can remove and clean. Also since you have allergies, make sure that you vacuum your bedroom regularly and dust there too. I have allergies too and an allergy to dust so we make sure to vacuum our bedroom often and dust. Also make sure your mattress has a protector as well. If you have old worn out pillows, throw them out and buy new ones. I hope my suggestions have been helpful.  Eve
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