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Alcohol and eye swelling

I was wondering if there was anyway to stop eye swelling when drinking beer? When i drink beer only my right eye will swell, but if i drink enough it will go over to my left eye. When i would drink clear beverages like vodka or Smirnoff nothing would happen. Any suggestions to why this happens or how to stop it from happening??
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The symptoms you describe suggest that you are allergic to beer.

It would be best to try to avoid beer or any other food stuffs that you are allergic to.

You could consult an allergy specialist to discuss in detail about your symptoms and the possible remedies.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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351317 tn?1204751871
Try different types of beer to see if it's just one brand. That means you drink the same brand the whole night or you won't know which beer is the culprit. If you still get swelling you can try a beer like Redbridge which is gluten free and made from sorgum. Also there is always liquor if all else fails.
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