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almost everyday i sneezed alot for about 3hours as i wake up..

dont know what seems to be the problem since i just woke up..

one more thing, Sometimes my eyes are swelling when i take

mefanamic acid, what can i take as replacements?? tnx and more power..
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Sneezing may be due to allergic response or due to upper respiratory tract infection or cold.

If along with sneezing, you're running a temperature, you may probably have a cold or some other upper respiratory infection. If your nose is also itching along with the bouts of sneezing or you have any rashes somewhere, probably allergy may be the cause.

A sneeze may simply be the response to an allergen or irritant such as  pollen, grass, mold, pet dander and dust mites.

Swelling of eyes on taking any medication should not be ignored. Mefanamic acid may cause a serious type of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. It sometimes occurs in patients who are allergic to aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Other signs may include changes in skin color of the face, very fast but irregular heartbeat , hive-like swellings on the skin and puffiness. Do not take any more mefenamic acid until you speak to your doctor.

You should consult your doctor who may prescribe you antihistamines for symptom relief.

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Tnx So Much..

i just got really scared my left eye have swolen and turned

red and its like closing a bit.. tnx tnx..
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