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Feeling dizzy and head strains in specific areas..what is it..?

hi,I am Ashevic aged 30.I 've been suffering from "something" which I could not describe it well.the thing is, whenever I go to some places(houses), I feel dizzy,I can not concentrate and I feel something moving on my head just below my hair skin.I feel very well when I get out of such places.But if I stay longer there,my skin on my head down to my forhead gets hard and I feel pains whenever I touch it.It is very strange and the doctors couldn't help me much out here in Ethiopia.However, a friend of mine told me his brother had the same problem and he said it is caused by air allergy.He advised to use anti bacterial soaps(such as protex) to daily use.I 've found some improvements but not a lasting solution.
The only way I get relieved is if I get out of such places(houses most of the time).I know I 've not put it well,but if there is anybody who knows about this or similar,please let me hear from you.
thank you,
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Hello kindd,
Thanks for the advise. will talk to the doctor per your advise....
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563773 tn?1374246539

Your doctor is right in saying that it can be a case of air allergies.This is because when you have such symptoms then the only means by which an allergen can effect you is by means of inhalation.It can be either house dust,dust mites,molds,pollen etc.

However,you can find out the allergen to which you are allergic by means of allergy testing by skin ***** tests and patch tests. In this a little amount of allergen is injected into the skin of the forearm by a doctor. The skin is closely watched for signs of a reaction, which include swelling and redness. Confirmatory diagnosis is by blood tests (RAST).

You have to consult an allergist in that case.If you are found allergic to some allergen ,then avoidance of that allergen is the best treatment.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted if you have any additional doubts. Kind regards.

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