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Allergic Rhinitis caused by Foam rubber?

I had a colonoscopy yesterday and in the treatment area was given sedation. Prior to sedation a flexible tube with foam at the end was put into my left nostril to deliver forced oxygen.As it was put in I felt an 'itch' in my nostril and about one hour after my colonoscopy I began to suffer rhinitis - I spent the rest of the day sneezing with this terrible itch inside my left nostril driving me mad. Fluid was pouring from this nostril. I got very little sleep during the night as I kept wakening needing to blow my nose and sneezing - as well as the dreadful itch inside this nostril which is still there today. Can these symptoms be caused by an allergy to the foam at the end of this nasal 'catheter' (which I presume it is called)?
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Thank you Dr Rajput for your response to my question.

The reaction of itching/sneezing/ nose blowing remained with me from Saturday through to Wednesday and I still have an area on the outside of my nose which is red and blistered due to constant itching and blowing of my nose (rather like a cold sore) I feel much better now however and thank you again for your response.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, one thing is certain that there is continued nasal irritation which is causing nasal itching and sneezing. Sneezing is a protective mechanism which tries to drive the irritant out of the nasal passage.

The possibility in your case is any particulate or foreign body may be left inside which may be irritating the nasal passage or the tube insertion might have caused a minor injury to the nasal lining which will cause the feeling of persistent irritation. There are receptors present on the nasal lining which are activated leading to sneezing reflex.

Try nasal saline spray or irrigation which will help to alleviate your symptoms. The symptoms should disappear in few hours. If the irritation persists then you may need re evaluation of the nasal passage.

I suggest you to consult ENT specialist, if the symptoms persist. Take care and regards.
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