1331558 tn?1317687687

Something stuck in throat and other things

Hello, I am a fellow member on this site in the std department. I am currently having some problems with my sinuses or so I think. My problem started on the first week of July with mucus or something of it stuck in my throat. It causes me to cough non-productively and forces me to constantly clear my throat. I sometimes get random pressure behind my eyes, the temples of my head (left or right), random aches around the jaw line, These aren't constant problems but they come and go and they are not gradual. My voice gets a little hoarse or groggy like until I clear my throat once more. I have notice my eyes get a little red and have some new veins establishing in the sclera. I get almost a postnasal drip theme in the morning and nasal congestion but they get better during the day. It seems only in the morning and night, the tickle in the throat comes back and postnasal drip occurs. It never bothers me when I sleep. Until recently, I feel I have an ache under my left side of my chest and near my shoulder blade on the left side of my body. I breathe perfectly fine and it is not affecting my abdominal area in any way. Could this be Allergic related? Oh, I do suffer from Acid reflex.
2 Responses
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1331558 tn?1317687687
I thank you for your valuable response. I was starting to think no one would help me. Silly me. I have yet another symptom: my neck sometimes would ache as if I had pulled a muscle but I have not participated in any kind of strenuous activities. I have a bit of nasal congestion, on and off, and as well as one time shock in my lower back. It had only occured today while at home. May you have any suggestion of what this may be?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, this feeling of lump in the throat is known as Globus sensation. This is mainly seen in gastro esophageal reflex disease or hyperplastic tonsil. The other possibilities are abnormal upper esophageal sphincter function, stress or psychological abnormality causes this sensation due to altered upper esophageal pressure.

You may need to undergo endoscopic evaluation which will help to diagnose acid-reflux disease and as well as esophageal pathology.

Post nasal drip can be due to sinusitis and also you are having red eye which points towards viral infection as it is commonly associated with myalgia (chest wall and shoulder blade pain). Do not worry, it is a self limiting condition and will recover in a week. But it needs treatment with appropriate antibiotics as there are chances of secondary bacterial infection, and as well as nasal decongestants and anti inflammatory against prescription will help. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take acre and regards.
Firstly I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for possible causes and further management. Take care and regards.
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