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Allergic reaction to beer

At the age of 18 I learned I was extremely allergic to beer.  After consuming less than 1/2 a cup of PBR keg beer, I woke up in a hospital bed having no idea what had happened. My friends said that I passed out and had two minor seizures before the ambulance got there. After being put into the ambulance I was given a breathing tube because my throat closed shut.  I recalled none of these events taking place the previous night after waking up from a medically induced coma 14 hours later.  The doctor proceeded to tell my parents and I that there was something within the ingredients of the beer that I was allergic to.  I am now 21 years old, have had multiple allergic reactions to beer and other malt beverages, although the reactions were not as sever.  I have been working with allergy doctors to try and figure out what it is that I’m allergic to, but have been unsuccessful. Any help?
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Have you checked into sulfite allergy?  They are typical perservatives that are found in many alcoholic beverages.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, the condition strongly suggests angioedema which is due to hypersensitivity reaction (type 1). One thing is certain that alcohol is an allergen to you and subsequent exposure to it can cause complications.

Hence, you need to quit the alcohol completely. You need to keep always antihistaminic with you. You also need to rule out other allergens which you are sensitive to. Drugs like amoxicillin, certain painkillers, certain garments, environmental allergen and certain food (fish, mushroom, peanuts, soy etc) can also cause such reaction.

You need to keep track of things (maintain a diary) you were exposed to such as food, cloths, drugs etc. and you should avoid further exposure.

The possible allergens in alcohol can be contaminants with alcohol, hapten carrier responses, alcohol or metabolite conjugates. One more important thing is agents like alcohol are believed to increase the rate of allergen absorption.

Take care and regards.
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