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HIves accompanied with dizziness

About a month ago I got what I thought was a rash on both thighs in the groin area and I treated it with benadryl cream and then switched to a hydryocortisone cream when the benadryl didn't work. The rash spread to the back of my legs, underneath my arms/ armpits, pretty much everywhere! I went to see a nurse practitioner at CVS and she told me it was ringworm and prescribed some cream that was over $100 so I used over the counter products. After 2 weeks of minimal results I went to see another doctor and he thought it was a fungus as well and said it was severe and referred me to a dermatologist and come to find out it was hives! He prescribed me triamcinolone cream along with hydroxzine HCL 25mg tablets. On and off again throughout this whole I experienced dizziness, but it seems to have gotten worse since seeing the dermatologist... thinks it was either side affects from the cream or pills I stopped taking both for a day to see what would happen and I still got really dizzy. It comes and goes throughout the day but at times I feel like I'm going to pass out along with really weak legs. Is this a condition of the Hives or even the meds( I experienced dizzy spells before taking these new meds just not as bad) or is it a completely different problem?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms suggest atopic dermatitis which is seen due to allergic background or Contact dermatitis due to direct skin exposure to a substance which can be an allergen or irritant.

Anti-histamines with appropriate steroids against prescription will help to alleviate the condition. Identify and avoid the triggering factor which you been exposed to recently.

This can also been seen in tinea infection i.e. infection due to dermatophytes fungus known as tinea barbae. This infection is confirmed by performing a potassium hydroxide test (KOH) demonstrating fungal hyphae on microscope.

Treatment of the above condition involves topical anti fungal with or without oral antifungal. I suggest you to consult a dermatologist for further management. Take care and regards.
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This would be best discussed with your doctor and/or pharmacist.  

Hives have several causes, but most typically they are caused by an allergy.  You may want to see an allergist to determine what is causing the hives so that you can avoid the substance and find an effective treatment.

Had you changed laundry or bathing products prior to the initiation of symptoms?  If so, you need to discontinue the use of the new products.  I am thingking that continued exposure to the triggering allergen can be contributing to the other symptoms.  

I think some investigative thinking on your part to determine what is causing the hives would go a long way in helping relieve all your symptoms.

Feel better.
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