936156 tn?1244831556


I recently became allergic to everything i eat i can only drink water. I can't have pop because I'm so allergic it makes me vomit. When i have an allergic reaction i'll have welts everywhere. Sugar is the worst, it makes me have welts really bad and my body feels like its on fire. I've tried to take meds but if i take them too long i become allergic to them. I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm just wondering if anyone could help me. Thanks.
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969042 tn?1259067775
That's too bad you have to go through this. It's really hard when food becomes our enemy. Have you been to see your family doctor? Your doc will help you to sort things out.
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I actually have somewhat same symptoms.  The only thing I can drink is milk or water.  Anything containing juice (any kind, but especially orange) or pop gives me severe nausea.  The last time I drank orange juice, I ended up vomiting just a few minutes after.  I can't drink anything with alcohol either, since it seems that I'm allergic (anaphylactic).  I know it sounds strange and that I was probably just drunk, but truth is, I've never been able to drink enough before my mouth starts swelling and hives appear everywhere.  Anyway, enough about that,  

I went to an allergist for my allergies and I asked them if it was possible I had an allergy to something in juice, and they just said,no go see a gastrointerologist (sp?) and sent me off.

For me, I try to take a little sip of juice every once in a while to try to make me more able to drinik it, so far so good, I can have about one cup of fruit punch before I start feeling sick.  Maybe you could try that, and see if it works for you?
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Start with tablet cetrizine twice daily for 15 day and try avoiding things you are allergic to.
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